Knoxville Junior High Technology Use and Applications February 15, 2005 Angela Olson
Progression of Technology ( School Year) Computer lab for computer classes assembled Donated (old) computers in use in library for basic Word Processing and limited applications Computer Technology I class established (3 sections)
KJHS Web Site Web page initially created and continually maintained on separate server with potential for individual teacher access Ability to post grades to Internet (pass worded) Ability for teachers to develop own web page(s)
Posting homework
KJHS Web Site Increase parent/teacher contact Promote community awareness of school events and accomplishments Provide an active information center for students and parents Teacher assignments and lessons can be posted Showcase school accomplishments Promote student successes
Software Used Net Objects Fusion –Web site creation –Version 4.0 available through Carl Sandburg EZ Grade Pro –Grade book software currently used in district –Ability to post grade reports online and through WebCT –Online course creation through Carl Sandburg –Offers online assessment and course implementation
Webgrades – EZ Grade Pro Students and parents may log in at any time to see updated grades Offers current and accurate information concerning student progress Ability to post notes and comments on specific assignments Can provide an avenue for parents and teachers to easily communicate through
Offered through Carl Sandburg College as part of their services to the area Free access to Knoxville schools Student progress is immediately scored and tracked, including section for grades Can be viewed any time by students and parents Offers an alternative that can save time and provide more valuable feedback than traditional testing.
Offers online course creation that could be useful in the future for high school and junior high Software fairly easy to use and implement Same format used at Carl Sandburg College Whole courses, including materials, reviews, and assessments, can be uploaded to created courses
Computer Technology I (Current Junior High Elective Offering) Illinois Standards, NCLB, and NETS based Teachers Microsoft Office and Windows XP Multimedia creation enhancing students’ individual creative abilities Basic web design with Net Objects Fusion Assessment through Carl Sandburg College with WebCT
Desired Expansion of KJHS Technology Education Add keyboarding rotation in 5 th Grade Provide a course offering in 6 th Grade Continue Computer Technology I as an elective course Create Computer Technology II as an advanced course also responsible for designing and updating the school web page
Technology Advantages from a Viable Junior High 5-8 Program Alignment to NCLB and NETS to develop school-wide technology awareness and proficiency Ability to work within developing K-12 writing curriculum as a support to universal standards Cross-curricular opportunities with other 5-8 subjects and units Opportunities to enhance critical thinking skills and creativity of student work Eventual development of effective K-12 technology program that builds on itself
Needs for the Future Up-to-date computer lab to replace donated (old) computers –“Newest” lab is over four years old Professional development opportunities to teach faculty and staff application software for posting grades and creating web pages –Only one person knows how to use the software at this time Time and staff to pursue grant opportunities for hardware, software, and staff development –Staff member needs time to write and implement grants Additional technology classes to improve technology skills to coincide to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the National Education Technology Standards (NETS).