Joshua 1
God’s wonders Moses now dead
Who is this character? Moses’ assistant – willing servant and pupil Different Fought against the Amalekites Ex 17 There at Sinai Ex 24 Tent of meeting Sent out with others to check out the land Nu 13 Saw with eyes of faith Wholehearted Nu 32:12 Spirit of God in him Nu 27:18
God speaks to Joshua You and all these people get to be given
By the river
Joshua’s preparation v God’s promise God’s word God’s presence
3 “I will give you every place where you set your foot as I promised Moses” 4 Extent of the territory – its boundaries
5 “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you”.
God says “Be strong and courageous” 7 “ Be strong and very courageous” 9 “ Be strong and courageous”
Proclaim/ Meditate/ Obey This is blessing and true life
The people’s preparation Officers - Collect supplies In 3 days time - instructions
12 – 15 Tribes East of the Jordan Tribes – rest Help the others Fighting men
The people’s support “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we fully obeyed Moses so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses.....Only be strong and courageous!”
I have made you ready why are you not willing? What is it that you are hanging on to.....? My way is the way of the cross. Examine your lives my dear children. Work for fruit that will last. I am calling you...move on.....lay stuff down that you might truly know life!