New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education No. 1786
What is a Research Lodge? Constituted Lodge Meets Regularly Presents Paper and Lectures Publishes Transactions Accepts Master Masons as members No Jurisdiction Restrictions
History of NJ LORE Constituted in 2001 by MW David A. Chase. Number represents the year of the formation of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. RWB George Olsen was NJ LORE’s first Worshipful Master. Authored and Published over 50 research papers.
What We Do… Meets four times a year in March, June, September, and December. Meetings beginning around 10:00 a.m. 2-3 papers/presentations per meeting. Not only papers are presented. Open discussion on Masonic topics. Luncheon and fellowship follow each meeting. “ NJ Lodge of Masonic Research and Education’s purpose is to foster the education of the Craft at large through prepared research and open discussion of the topics concerning Masonic history, symbolism, philosophy, and current events.” – NJ LORE By-Laws
Research Papers Research Papers must meeting Lodge Criteria. Represent many hours of work – A true “labor of love”. First paper presented – “Redemption At Gettysburg” David A. Chase Merit Award Other Papers: –Preston’s Staircase – 2003 Chase Award Winner –Daniel Coxe – Father of NJ Freemasonry – 2004 Chase Winner –On the Loss of Liberty –Harry S. Truman Laureate, Distinguished Laureate, Dist. Laureate Emeritus
NJ LORE Transactions Published approximately every other year. Print version of all the papers presented to NJ LORE. Members receive as a benefit. Provide valuable educational resource. Available to Lodges and Masons for a nominal fee.
NJ LORE Website Holds many items of interest. Research papers, trestleboards, and collections.
NJ LORE Yahoo Discussion Group Haven of Masonic Discussion. Yahoo List Server. Examples of Topics: –Current Masonic Events. –State of NJ Freemasonry. –Questions concering the Craft. –Notice of upcoming LORE events. –S&D of LORE members. Repository of lodge histories.
Joining NJ LORE Very easy to join. Must be MM in good standing. From a recognized jurisdiction. Applications available on web. $50 first year/$25 yearly See me after meeting if you are interested or want more info.
The Next NJ LORE Meeting June 9, 2011 – 9:30 a.m. Trenton Masonic Temple 100 Barrack St. Trenton, NJ Coffee and Danish before Lunch and Fellowship after Give us a try
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