Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Projects promoted by the Province of Turin Turin, 29 January 2013
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Cross border Project Italy-France ENERCLOUD Project Sportelli Energia
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Promoting the development and spreading of solar technologies (solar thermal energy and photovoltaic) Supporting local industry promoting knowledge interchange between the involved stakeholders
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Project results: To register the local companies that work in the field of solar energy; The updating is continuous. The database includes “denomination”, “owner”, “ address”, “contact numbers”, “sector of activity”. Today 496 companies have been registered, among these 313 operanting in the solar themal sector and 323 in the photovoltaic (139 work in both sectors). creazione di una rete transfrontaliera di imprese del settore;
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Project results: Training for artisans, workers in the sector and students of Technical Colleges;
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Project results: Monitoring processes that last one year on 80 solar thermal and photovoltaic plants (50 Italian side– 30 French side) to evaluate the energetic performances and the installation quality;
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo
Guidelines for the design, installation and running of the solar thermal plants Guidelines for the design, installation and running of the photovoltaic plants Potential good practices Plants that need to be optimized
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Project results: There have been realized 8 test benches, 4 french side and 4 italian side, with innovative photovoltaic technologies; through their monitoring it will test their quality.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Project results: Guide to the architectural integration> how to menage solar plants integration into existing buildings and into innovative projects.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo ENERCLOUD ENERCLOUD is a monitoring project about the consumption of energy of the public buildings and lightings, based on bills. The initiative starts from the awareness that the lack of a structured system on the energy accounting in the public offices could lead to an excessive consumption of energy and economic expenses.. The system is based on the "Cloud Computing": the data storage and its formulation is calculated by remote systems, in order to avoid that users need complex infrastructures and a particular computer competence.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo The solution proposed sees the registration of consumption deducible from bills for each municipal user on ENERCLOUD.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo ENERCLOUD provides brief reports easy to understand thanks to the identification of parameters, of target values and of potencially irregular data.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Information included in the Report: in red are highlighted months when user has overconsumed. Information included in the Report: a column shows the economic waste produced every month and due to the energetic inefficiency. Information included in the Report: traffic lights indicates the judgement on users according to the fixed target. Examples of Report on electric consumiption in pdf format.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo “SPORTELLI ENERGIA” (Energy counters) Regulations Funds Economic and energy advantages dealing with the use of renewable energy resources Energy conservation and technologies for the energy efficiency
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo “SPORTELLI ENERGIA” (Energy counters) The brochure of “L’energia di casa mia” includes technical, economic and legislative specifications about: fronts,coverings, fixtures, floors, heating systems, heat pumps, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, biomass, energy certification. INFORMATIVE BROCHURE OF “L’ENERGIA DI CASA MIA” (My house Energy)
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo SPORTELLI ENERGIA 24 meetings arranged in collaboration with the same number of municipalities of the Province, realized through an interactive methodology to involve participants actively and to show to the citizens the advantages of the energy efficiency and the renewable energy resources. INFORMATIVE MEETINGS “L’ENERGIA IN CASA”
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Contents “Covenant of Mayors” Project “Cities on Power” Project
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo “Covenant of Mayors” project The process
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Assistance to the supporting municipalities
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Adherences to the initiative
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo From commitment to action
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo The Province of Turin, as a coordination structure, provides a technical support service to all the municipalities participating in the Covenant of Mayors and consisting of: Drafting of the energy balance over a period The reporting of greenhouse gas emissions Definition of the Baseline Emission Inventory Reconstruction of evolutionary scenarios of energy consumption by 2020 and quantifying the reduction targets Identification of actions necessary to achieve those objectives Drafting of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) Management of formal relations with the Bruxelles office The task of the Province of Turin: technical assistance to municipalities To offer a better service, the Province has developed its own guidelines for the drafting of the SEAP, validated by the Joint Research Centre, according to European guidelines but adapted to the needs and characteristics of its territory
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Municipalities with approved SEAP
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Cities on Power Project The project Cities on Power aims to develop an Action Plan for the development of renewable energy in urban area. This will be achieved through: 1. The realization of feasibility studies for the development of investments 2. The review and promotion of tools for participation public-private partnership to promote investment in the energy sector 3. The development of a software tool to support decisions Project aims
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo Computer tools Aim Creation of an urban model at the scale of building for use by: 1. public administrations involved in the project, for decision support relating to investments in renewable energies and reduction of energy demand. 2. to citizens, to inform, stimulate interest and increase awareness about energy supply from renewable sources and energy efficiency in urban areas (this application will be available on the web). Expected Results Mapping the demand for heat and electricity; Mapping the potential of geothermal energy in urban areas; Mapping the producibility of PV plants and ST on the covering of buildings.
Il Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo First results. Solar radiation and thermal requirements of the buildings. Radiazione globale giornaliera (16 marzo) Wh/mq Highest consumption Lowest consumption