AIB Capital Markets Colm Doherty, Managing Director London, 17 th May 2007
2 Contributes 23% of Group Profits –c. 70% of Divisional profits generated outside Ireland 10 year PBT CAGR 20% Strong recurring customer based income Cost income ratio 46% ; ROE 20% AIB Capital Markets - Divisional Profile Note:figures for the year to 31/12/2006 * includes €41m distributed to other divisions Corporate Banking332 Global Treasury160 Customer112 Proprietary48 Investment Banking62 * * €
3 Corporate Banking 60% of divisional profits; 70% generated outside Ireland ROE 18% Portfolio of €25bn RWA No. 1 Corporate Bank in Ireland - 40% corporate clearing accounts. International expansion built around people experience / sector specialism Overlay with debt fund management capability in leverage / high yield - 6 CDO’s €2bn assets
4 Corporate Banking Success built around:- –people with deep experience / expertise of premium rated credit sectors –strong risk management framework –conservative credit philosophy –disciplined return (EVA / ROE) focus Evidenced by:- Long history of low loan losses Weighted average portfolio grade constant Average portfolio margin 154 bps Conservative average hold Leveraged Debt 9 Property20 ABL11 Project Finance11 Institutional19 €m
5 Corporate Banking Outlook Good economic outlook in key geographies Excess liquidity in some key sectors (leverage) –weakening credit structures –compression of margins Over 2/3 of leverage proposals being turned down –Focus on underwriting / larger hold in selected credits –Diversified portfolio allows focus on other sectors for growth Credit cycle will turn Tough credit cycle presents opportunity Key focus on maintaining portfolio quality
6 Global Treasury 22% of divisional profits 70% of revenues from customer services –40% share domestic market –strong Polish franchise –niche but growing UK and US businesses 30% of revenues from trading –average daily var c. €13m –short term interest rate / FX trading –credit trading –strategic interest rate trading ROE 27% Highly controlled risk environment / centralised processing platform Provides group funding and liquidity service
7 Global Treasury Outlook Strong local economies (Ireland / Poland) underpin demand for customer services Scope for increased product sales Capacity to put more risk to work
8 Investment Banking 17% of divisional profits Irish based fee business –Asset Management –Stockbroking –M&A Business performing well - benefit from Irish wealth creation Strong investment returns in AIB managed portfolios High demand for bespoke wealth management Strong flow of M&A
9 Conclusion Resilient high performing business –10 year CAGR 20%; ROE 20% Well positioned for growth –Geographic diversity –Product specialism –Customer Focus –Flexibility to diversify income streams Robust risk framework Uninterrupted profit growth record set to continue