The Cedarview Lodge CLeAR Project Success One Resident at a Time Quality Forum 2015 Paula Rozanski, Manager Ameneh (Amy) Fallahi, RN Peter Marin, RCA 1
Ben Ridout BC Patient Safety Quality Council Deborah Lorimer Director of Residential Care, Coastal Community of Care, VCHA 2 Thank You
3 Introduction 89 Beds 22 Special Care Beds 6 Respite Beds
Call for Less Antipsychotics in Residential Care “The aim of CLeAR is to achieve a reduction in the number of seniors in residential care on antipsychotic medications by 50% across BC by December 31, 2014 through a province-wide, voluntary initiative that supports participating sites.” 4 CLeAR
Improve care for residents who have BPSD by reducing the number of residents who are on antipsychotics Create opportunities for initiatives to work together Build new skills and knowledge* for improvement in residential care 5 Goals *Capacity - “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime”
6 Our Journey Charter! Roles & Responsibilities! Process Mapping Early Identification Tool
7 Process Map
8 Successes 47% improvement Percent of residents on an antipsychotic
9 Successes 88% improvement Percent of residents on a PRN antipsychotic
10 Successes 50% improvement Percent of residents on regular & PRN antipsychotic
11 Successes Outcome Grouping Scale 2013/ /2015 Q4Q1Q2Q3 Aggressive Behavior Scale None78%80%83%90% Depression Rating Scale Low (0-2)86%93% 95% MDS Pain Scale Low (0-1)96%98%96%100%
12 Successes
13 Successes
Leadership Clear vision & goal Unit champions Project & communication plan Dedicated resources 14 Lessons Learned
15 Next Steps Developed standards of practice to sustain the gains Continue to engage families of residents Culture change
16 Questions