eTechnology in the classroom PI: Teaching portfolio Created 2012 by jennip98 School of Education © Murdoch University. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported Licensejennip98 Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License
Agenda Mobile phones, ipads, laptops About me Technology Toolbox for Educators -21 st century learning -Interactive whiteboards -Endnote -ePortfolios Website demonstration (Yola) Questions (istockphoto/Kronick, 2008)
Jenni Parker Lecturer, School of Education EDN113: Living & Learning with technology EDN205: ICT in the classroom Student, Master of Education by research -Authentic learningAuthentic learning -Web technology explorer -Open access advocate jennip98
site/technologytoolboxfor educators
Wikis "A wiki is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often created collaboratively by multiple users." (Wikipedia, 2012).website web browsermarkup languagerich-text editorwiki softwarecreated collaborativelyWikipedia, 2012
21 st century teaching and learning is NOT about the tools, but about the skills. Retrieved 5/11/2011 from flickr website: / /in/set / /in/set
21 st Century Learning … In the 21st century world, content is so abundant as to make it a poor foundation on which to base an educational system; rather, context and meaning are the scarce but relevant commodities today.
Interactive Whiteboards
E-Portfolio demonstration “If you intend to produce an electronic teaching portfolio you may choose to include digital video or other artefacts able to be displayed in digital form” Please note the importance of behaving ethically in this regard. Images should not be included without the written consent of those depicted, and every effort should be made to ensure the anonymity of the school. Volunteer? (Palto, 2010)
Opportunity to explore new technologies (Langwitches, 2010b)
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