Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 1 Sponsorship/Partnership Management presentation Group V – Greg Bennett, Josie Crimp, Natasha Held, Karolina Stolarska, Helen Wade
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 2 Partnership …affiliation, assistance, association, band, body, brotherhood, business, cahoots, cartel, chumminess, clique, club, combination, combine, community, companionship, company, conglomerate, conjunction, connection, consociation, cooperation, cooperative, corporation, coterie, crew, faction, fellowship, firm, fraternity, friendship, gang, help, hookup, house, interest, joining, lodge, mob, organization, ownership, party, ring, sharing, society, tie-up, togetherness, union…
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 3 Programme Background and introduction Same-sector partnerships Cross-sector partnerships Cross-domain partnerships Agencies aiding partnerships Conclusions
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 4 Background Long history of LIS cooperation Change: top-down management, external funding Little cross-sectoral/cross-domain partnership?
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 5 Why Work in Partnership? Overall better service if not savings Mutual support Generate new ideas
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 6 Building a Partnership Start small, evolve Anticipate potential logistical barriers Consider indirect costs and benefits Ideal size of partnership
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 7 Same Sector Partnerships Pooling like-with-like… 1. National and local level partnerships 2. Sharing and making accessible resources, collections and expertise Union and cross catalogues Electronic partnerships: discussion lists and gateways Professional development Standards/policies/procedures Peer library comparison and venue sharing
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 8 Case Studies Art Libraries ARLIS and LCHA Academic Libraries M25 Consortium
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 9 ARLIS Arts Libraries Society/UK and Ireland 1. Directories 2. Periodical Union list 3. ARLIS Link Discussion list 4. ARLIS Newsletter, Arts Libraries Journal 5. Disposal Policy 6. Cataloguing & Classification Committee 7. Peer Library visits in UK & Abroad 8. Conferences
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 10 LCHA London Committee for the History of Art 1. Local level 2. Co-operative acquisitions 3. Networking LALIC, SVAG, etc...
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 11 M25 Consortium
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 12 M25 Consortium Academic libraries in the M25 area Provides link to all member catalogues through website CPD25 (continuing professional development group) Scheme for mutual support in case of disasters
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 13 Cross Sector Partnerships Both strategic and practical… Common purposes: 1. Joint implementation of policies 2. Exchange of information 3. Electronic resource provision
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 14 Case Studies The British Library School libraries with public libraries School libraries with FE/HE libraries
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 15 The British Library
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 16 The British Library Aiming to bridge the gap between museums, libraries and archives Digitisation and content creation “Reaching the Regions” initiative Strong collaboration with public library networks
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 17 School Libraries Partnership with public libraries School visits Coordinating reader development Study support initiatives
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 18 School libraries Partnerships with FE/HE Libraries Shared catalogue access Coordinated approach to information literacy development Promotion of further education
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 19 Cross Domain Partnerships “Libraries have to understand that their good name, their good reputation in the community, is worth money.” Corporate Sponsorship…
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 20 Benefits Cash Kit Customers
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 21 Concerns Negative association Insistence on recognition Loss of usual funding Higher expectations
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 22 Recommendations A library should: 1. Demonstrate that sponsors further the library’s mission 2. Safeguard equality of access to library services 3. Protect the principle of intellectual freedom 4. Ensure the confidentiality of user records 5. Be sensitive to the local political and social climate
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 23 Agencies Aiding Partnerships A type of cross-sector partnership… National agencies The Reading Agency Ask a Librarian CILIP awards
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 24 Agencies Aiding Partnerships Regional Agencies Regional Development Agency Act 1998 eg LLDA eg SWMLAC Regional agency boundaries
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 25 South West Museums Libraries and Archives Council Funding Database
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 26 Conclusion Successful partnerships: Appropriate partners – common vision Responsibility & trust Communication Evaluation processes
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 27 Sustaining a Partnership Formal organisational structure Principles not persons Financial contracts Ongoing support
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 28 Disadvantages? Regional, local or national? Costs of consortia Time/resource commitments
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 29 The Future of Partnerships Customer- focused Technology Government policy
Partnership and Sponsorship Group V 30 “As well as being an essential fact of life, partnerships can be enjoyable experiences – broadening partners’ experience, enabling them to discover more about varied institutions and agencies, and providing allies who can assist the library to achieve its objectives.”