11th Grade American History
Mr. Dalton’s Class
Subject: World War I
Objectives: The students will be able to explain the causes of WWI the students will be able to define the United States policy during the early years of the war the students will be able to explain why the United States entered World War I
Objectives continued: The students will be able to describe the role of American troops in ending the war the students will explain how American efforts on the home front helped make an Allied victory possible the students will describe the impact of World War I on the world and the United States.
Activities: The students will get into groups and study a map of World War I in Europe, noting the influence of geography on the war. They will answer these questions: Why were German U-boats so threatening to Great Britain? Why was the war fought on so many fronts?
Hands on Activity: The students will get into groups of four or five and construct their own U Boat noting the differences or similarities to that of the Germans. They will write a report about it, describing it, and present it to the class.
Activities: The students will watch the movie U 571 and discuss what they would have done in that situation. The students will create a timeline of events between 1915 and 1917 that led the United States to enter World War I.
Activities: The students will get into groups and find the clauses in the Constitution which describe the military powers of Congress and the President. The students will discuss the ways that the federal government took control of the economy during the War and answer this: what were the results of the planned economy coordinated by the government?
Activities: The class will discuss the sacrifices that Americans made for the war effort and the causes for which they were willing to make personal sacrifices. The students will choose which of the effects of World War I they feel was most important and write a short essay justifying their choice.
Activities: The class will be divided into two groups and one half will write up a list of arguments supporting President Wilson’s views on the League of Nations and the other half will prepare arguments in favor of Senator Lodge’s views. Then they will hold a debate where the representatives will of each group will present their arguments.
Activities: I will write on the board two headings: The Fourteen Points and The Treaty of Versailles and the students will list the major elements of each, after that we will discuss how they differed for peace.
Vocabulary: Triple Entente Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Central Powers Balfour Declaration Zimmerman Note
Vocabulary: U- Boat Sussex Pledge American Expeditionary Forces Selective Service Act Liberty Loan Sedition Act Trading with the Enemy Act
Vocabulary: War Industries Board Fourteen Points Weimar Republic Mandate Genocide Treaty of Brest- Litovsk
People to Identify: Herbert Hoover Henry Cabot Lodge Georges Clemenceau William Haywood John J. Pershing Bernard Baruch
Web sites to visit for more information: -- this site is a large resource offering articles, images, bibliographies, and guides providing information about the people, places and events of the Great War.
Web sites to visit for more information: -- this site is an archive of primary documents from World War I and was made by volunteers of the World War I Military History List
Web sites to visit for more information: --this site marks an maintains the graves of members of the forces of the Commonwealth. You can find details about the cemeteries.
Web sites to visit for more information: html -- this site is a reference from the Canadian Forces Colleges. You can investigate an extensive selection of topics such as campaigns and propaganda
Web sites to visit for more information: -- this site has details of the aces, aircraft, medals. And decorations from WWI.
Web sites to visit for more information: s -- this site is a hypertext document on the poetry of World War I
Web sites to visit for more information: html -- this site has the most famous documentary photos ever produced about the war. It was created by a group of U.S. government photographers
Web sites to visit for more information: -- this is a site of the Red Baron. It has World War One aircraft, pilots, missions, and maps. w1.html
Web sites to visit for more information: -- this site has information on the German Aces during World War I ook38.html