John E. Brandt Maine CITE John E. Brandt Maine CITE
Where are you from? What Web/School 2.0 things have you tried?
Blogs Wikis PodCasts - VodCasts Social Networking File sharing - Flickr OpenOffice/GoogleDocs Rich Internet Applications RSS Syndication Moodle
“… trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users”
Automating Informating “Informating changes the flow and control of information” "The real revolution in learning is not about adding technology on top of the current structure of school. Instead, the real revolution is about a transformational shift of control from the school system to the learner."
New collaborative computer technologies, in particular the read/write web, distance learning programs, free and open source software, and videoconferencing. The move from an industrial to information economy, and a change in skills that are valuable to employers. A culture that is rapidly becoming more transparent and collaborative because of the new technologies, allowing a more open discussion about many aspects of our society, including (and especially) education.
Chris Lehmann Creating the Schools we Need
It is essential is that all students can participate. How do we ensure all students can participate?
Perceivable Operable Understandable Robust
... means that all web site content must be perceivable by all users despite their disability conditions.
... means all web sites must be constructed in a way that allows all users to navigate, manipulate and control content.
... means the “language” of the web site must be usable to all parties.
... means that all web content must have functionality across current and future technologies.
Many of the Web2.0 apps are fairly accessible Many of the development communities who are building these apps are sensitive to accessibility issues
It only takes one user to make the application or content inaccessible
HTML Entry and Editing Image Insertion and ALT text Semantic Hyperlinks Ordered Headings (H1, H2) Imported docs need to be accessible Rich Media Formats – be careful
Clear Accessibility Policy Easy to understand Users Manual Lots of opportunities for Training Someone to regularly Test and Remediate
Maine CITE – Accessible Web Design