P2 P2 Living for the Future Year 10 GCSE Physics
LESSON 1 – Solar Power P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe some advantages and disadvantages of using photocells to provide electricity: Describe how a photocell works and what affects its power
EXPERIMENT: P2 How does the area of a solar (photo) cell affect the voltage it produces?
CAN DO TASK (3): P2 How does the distance of a light from a solar (photo) cell affect the voltage it produces? Time = 20 minutes (results & analysis). You must work on your own.
LESSON 2 – Solar Heating & Wind Power P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe other ways that the Sun’s energy can be harnessed: how glass can be used to provide passive solar heating for buildings; light reflected to a focus by a curved mirror; transfer KE of air to electricity in wind turbines.
LESSON 3 – AC & DC Generators P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Recognise the differences between DC and AC and illustrate them diagrammatically Describe how simple generators work using the dynamo effect.
Electromagnetic Induction If You push a magnet into a coil the electrons in the coil are also given a push. This makes an ‘induced voltage’ N The ‘field lines’ have to be cut. No current is produced if the magnet is not moving!
Electromagnetic Induction If You pull a magnet out of the coil the electrons in the coil are once again given a push. This makes an ‘induced voltage’ in the opposite direction N Notice the needle moves in the opposite direction
How Can You Increase the Size of the Induced Current? 1.Move the Magnet Faster 2. Use a Stronger (not bigger!) Magnet 3. Put more Turns on the Coil
We can use a magnet, coil and movement to generate electricity with this device Will it make AC or DC Current?
This is a Generator You will have heard them near road works generating the electricity to make the traffic lights and machines work
AC Generator Induced current can be increased in 4 ways: 1)Increasing the speed of movement 2)Increasing the magnetic field strength 3)Increasing the number of turns on the coil 4)Increasing the area of the coil
Bikes often have Dynamos to make electricity to light a bulb Dynamos are slightly different from generators as they rotate the magnet
CAN DO TASK (3): Use the oscilloscope to measure the frequency of the AC supply Time = 5 minutes (measurement & calculation). You must work on your own.
LESSON 4 – Power stations & Efficiency P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe how the dynamo effect is used in conventional power stations to generate electricity: burning fuel producing steam spinning a turbine turbine turns generator. Be able to use equations to calculate efficiency in a variety of situations. Describe & recognise that there is significant waste of energy in a conventional power station.
LESSON 5 – Transformers P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Explain how transformers are used on the National grid to transmit electricity at high voltage to reduce energy waste/costs. Explain how, for a given power, increased voltage reduces current. This will decrease energy waste by reducing heating of cables.
LESSON 6 – Fuels & Power P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe that: burning fuels releases heat energy. uranium fuel rods release heat energy. fermenting biomass generates methane. Calculate the power rating of an appliance: power = voltage × current
LESSON 7 – Electricity Bills P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: State that the unit of electrical supplied is the kilowatt hour; Calculate number of kilowatt hours given: power in kilowatts; time in hours; Calculate the cost of energy supplied.
LESSON 8 – Nuclear Power P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Be aware that ionising radiations (from radioactive waste) can cause cancer and that uranium is a non- renewable resource. Realise that plutonium is a waste product from nuclear reactors and can be used to make nuclear bombs.
LESSON 9 – Radioactivity P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Recognise that some materials release nuclear radiation, and appreciate that there are 3 main types – Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Be able to describe the properties and uses of Alpha, Beta, Gamma radiation. Be aware that we are surrounded by several sources of background radiation.
LESSON 10 – Ionization & safety P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Be able to explain ionization in terms of electron behaviour. Be aware of safety issues involving use of radioactive materials, including methods and hazards involved in disposal of waste products.
LESSON 11 – Aurora & Magnetic Fields P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Recognise the shapes of magnetic fields around the Earth. Be aware of the phenomena of Aurora and what causes them.
What is the SOLAR WIND? The solar wind is a flow of electrically charged particles (protons and electrons) streaming out from the Sun’s corona. They travels at speeds of 400km/s to 850 km/s.
What are AURORA? When the solar wind reaches the Earth, it interacts with our magnetic field. Changes in the solar wind cause changes the shape of the Earth’s magnetic field and electrons get accelerated towards the atmosphere above the N and S pole. They cause atoms in the air to emit erie glowing lightwaves.
Click for Aurora movie: Click to ‘hear’ Aurora:
Aurora Borealis TASK: Make a poster describing what the aurora are and what causes them. See p 200 of Gateway Science. Include the following key points: Cosmic rays – fast charged particles which create gamma rays Deflected by magnetic field. Spiral in to poles Excite atoms and make them glow Gives off gamma rays when cosmic rays hit atoms.
LESSON 12 – Solar Flares & Magnetic Fields P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Know that magnetic fields can be generated by moving electrical particles. Appreciate that solar flares create problems on Earth, caused by charged particles interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field.
What are SOLAR FLARES? When the solar wind reaches the Earth, it
LESSON 13 – Earth & Moon P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Be aware of evidence for the formation of the Earth- Moon system. Be able to compare objectively different ideas for how it occurred. Understand the size and positions of common objects in space.
LESSON 14 – Solar System P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Understand the size and positions of common objects in space. Appreciate that objects moving in orbits require a centripetal force, provided by gravity
LESSON 15 – Space Missions P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Appreciate the problems involved in manned space missions and the advantages of using unmanned space probes. State that unmanned spacecraft can send back information on: temperature, magnetic & radiation; gravity, atmosphere and surroundings.
LESSON 16 – Asteroids & Craters P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Know that a near-Earth object (NEO) is an asteroid or comet on a possible collision course with Earth. Work as part of a group to exchange & discuss ideas and present strategies to reduce the dangers posed by NES.
LESSON 17 – Comets & NEO P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Know that a near-Earth object (NEO) is an asteroid or comet on a possible collision course with Earth. Work as part of a group to exchange & discuss ideas and present strategies to reduce the dangers posed by NES.
Ideas to prevent NEO impacts: Gravitational tractor Missiles Early detection Attach engines?
LESSON 18 – Life Cycle of Stars P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Recognise that stars have life cycles and many of the early stages are common to all masses of stars. Describe the end of a medium-weight star like our Sun: red giant planetary nebula white dwarf; Describe the end of a heavy-weight star: red giant supernova neutron star or black hole.
LESSON 19 – Big Bang Theory P2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: Be aware of the observations that the universe is expanding and understand how the Big Bang model accounts for this.