IDENTIFY, RECRUIT & RETAIN COMMITTEE Newt & Ann Crenshaw May 3, 2008
THE FIRST COMMITTEE “In 1950 I asked eight churches in Portland to support Young Life financially and to each identify one couple who would be willing to serve on a “committee.” My purpose for the 16 member committee was to help them grow spiritually through Christian fellowship and to create ownership between the staff and committee to support the local Young Life ministry. Sharing in the ministry for these first committee members meant a monthly meeting with lots of fellowship and a monthly report. They were also expected to attend one club meeting each year with me and go to camp with our kids and serve as counselors!” – Bill Starr
IDENTIFYING COMMITTEE MEMBER PROSPECTS Ask churches to provide a committee couple/individual Pray that God will bring prospects to add to your Mathew 9:38 list. Look for people who display extraordinary interest in YL Follow up on Banquet Pledge Card Interest Comments Acquire list of guests from Trail West Lodge who live in your area Seek out adults who volunteer in local church youth ministries Re-approach past committee members to serve again Contact past YL staff members living in your area
RECRUITING PROSPECTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS –Hold “One – on – one” meetings –Host a small group informational meeting – Committee Chair, some committee members and YL Staff present –Invite prospects to attend a regular committee meeting –Take prospects to a YL or Wyldlife Club –Host the Adult Guest Lodge at a YL camp and invite prospects along
RETAIN EXISTING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Provide spiritual growth opportunities – see that each meeting has a “Kid/Vol. Leader Testimony,” Prayer and Devotional Identify gifts and interests and plug into appropriate area(s). Have member term limits with flexibility Utilize a “One More Year” strategy Encourage attendance at the Adult Guest Program at YL Camps Develop a “Friends of YL” program – this requires a lower commitment but still maintains contact through prayer, financial support and involvement in some single aspect of your ministry