Proposal for inclusion of over 50’s Using IT to maximise the active engagement of older people in rural Herefordshire and urban Wolverhampton A proposed 2 year Programme December 2012 – April 2014 Presentation – Prague – December 6 th 2012
Challenges to be Addressed Growing Numbers of people over 50 in Herefordshire Hidden Cohort not claiming benefits but on low income Need for alternative employment/diversification Less local opportunities Poor Accessibility to information and services Poor Transportation - high cost of living Demographic imbalance High Cost of Service delivery at risk because of financial restrictions
Wolverhampton Kington West Midlands
The Target Area Leominster City of Hereford Ross on Wye Rural Communities to the west of A49 & A438 ( 5 Mile radius of Hereford and Leominster )
Task To maximise the engagement of people over 50 in rural areas Process Identify 60 potential participants and install High Speed Broadband Establishment of 2 Project Groups ( Ewyas Harold and Kington ) Establishment of 2 Control Groups ( Pan Area ) Regular and Agreed Programme of Meeting with Ongoing Evaluation
Partner Organisations PiscesWM – Herefordshire and Wolverhampton Offices – Programme Manager Universities Community organisations – Tettenhall Institute and Kington MAP Local Authorities – City of Wolverhampton and Herefordshire Voluntary/3 rd Sector Agencies General practitioners Chambers of Commerce Job Centre Plus Parish & Town Councils LEPs N.F.U
THE CHALLENGES WE FACE An Ageing community Focus on Youth Demographic imbalance Economy under severe pressure and facing massive cuts in public services Growth of real poverty and decrease in value of family incomes North/South divide Increasing dependence on I.T and Web based services Discrimination against age i.e recent elections in UK -for dissemination of information
Opportunities on Offer Ease of access once fear is overcome Immediate access to information and services 24 hour availability and use Instant access to purchase goods including groceries Maintaining family contact Home based education and training Health monitoring – massive savings in public services
Programmes PROMOTION OF SKILL - PREVENTION OF CARE A dual pronged programme addressing Health and Social Care challenges around opportunities with I.T based Social Enterprise
Tasks to be achieved Develop personal profiles, aims and aspirations Identify risks and needs Acquire new I.T skills Develop ideas, assist in business planning Personal Coaching Identify new opportunities particularly around community and social enterprise
Overall Aim To Build Social capital – The Big Society!! To test out innovative practices To showcase skills and talents To promote the potential of older people To enhance the profile of Kington, West Herefordshire and the City of Wolverhampton To introduce new resources to the area
Unlocking the Potential of people over 50 Project Achievements Regular and successful meetings and events in Kington Several success stories Recognition of effectiveness of and financial support for MAP New significant Partnerships – Agewell Sandwell and Herefordshire Housing New Control Group identified New Partnership Project success – commence March 2011= Leonardo New opportunities identified – NIACE Community Learning
Unlocking the Potential of people over 50 in Herefordshire – the Barriers Inadequate recognition of issues around rural employment Changes in management of unemployment – The new Work programme Poor resourcing – everyone has to go to Hereford – no local investment Public Service cutbacks – i.e Transport in rural areas Diminishing incomes – higher cost of living Everyone fighting for own survival – partnership working difficult to achieve Suspicion of new initiatives – seen as threat
UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF PEOPLE OVER 50 – A PISCESwm initiative. For Further Information please contact John White Executive Director PISCESwm c.i.c. European Office Greytree Lodge Ross on Wye HR9 7HT Tel +44(0) /Mobile +44(0)
Why ICT Reduce loneliness Social isolation Remain independent Intellectually and physical active Participate more fully in life
Barriers Lack of knowledge Lack of skills Cost Lack of confidence Functional problems Ignorance of benefits of technology Irrational fears
With Training and Support Keep in touch with family and friends Make travel arrangements Access to information Promote lifelong learning Telemedicine Economically active Security
Tettenhall Hub Solution Chair of Tettenhall Wood Community Association Qualified mentor Teaching strategies Free support Free Internet connection Free printing Free refreshments Equipment maintenance
Hub Questionnaire Device (Laptop/iPad/Tablet/Mobile Phone,iPod) What do you want to use your equipment for? What equipment do you have? Who chose your device and why? How often do you use it? What programmes/apps do you use? How did you learn to use your device? Do you have any particular problems using your equipment?
Research Results Majority of learners wanted to – Shopping – Banking – Communication – Download photos – Play games – Catch-up TV and radio shows – Music (iTunes)
Cont….. Inherited old equipment Purchased by themselves No or little knowledge of programmes/apps Concerns over security Attended previous courses – unsatisfied Technology is for the “youngsters”
76 Learners
Why is the Hub successful? Learning takes place locally Facilitated by experienced mentor Informal and work at their own pace Use own equipment or loan the Hub equipment Do NOT follow a programme of study Equipment modified for their needs Jargon kept to a minimum Peer support Regular sessions on security