Effects of Computer Based Systems
Positive and negative effects of computerisation Now a day’s computers are used by almost everyone all around the world Computerization can have both positive and negative effects; 1. on the individual, 2. an organization or 3. the society
Computers and Work Negative Effects 1. Jobs are decreased, since computers are replacing humans in some cases such as; o ATM (automatic teller machine), o Telephone operators, o Meter readers Positive Effects 1. New jobs are created in the computing industry such as the o hardware industry, o software industry and o web-design industry. 2. Increase productivity 3. Increase of overall quality leading to cheaper and better products.
Computers and the Workplace Negative Effects Less face-to-face communication. Job interruption in order to adapt to new technologies. Affects privacy and dignity Risk of RSI (repetitive strain injury) Positive Effects Employee has more information available hence more decision- making freedom. Various tools available on the computer can enhance the work experience Reduce the overall work-load.
Computers and Society (the Internet) Negative Effects Less human contact, Community groups’ attendance decreases, once again due to lack of involvement. Erodes family life and community values. Positive Effects Helps communication with relatives, friends and others Routine tasks can be done quickly, hence more free time
Computers and the Individual Negative Effects Addiction to the Internet. Addiction to games; especially in youngsters Less socializing. Being lazier Positive Effects More work can be done in less time with the adequate tools Facilitates access to services by using websites More information at the user’s fingertips