Gokhale edu,society,s bed college sangamner Sub–Information communication technology Paper-IV/1 Unit title – solar energy Unit Author- Pradip kambale & Sabaji pardhi Guide – Desale..
Project title
To provide student with knowledge regarding solar energy To inform then about importance of solar energy. To educate them regarding equipment working on solar energy To tell them about applicant of solar energy To tell them of law of conservation of energy.
Solar energy is often called "alternative energy" to fossil fuel energy sources such as oil and coal. Solar Energy is heat energy obtained from sun. Solar energy is free of cost.
solar energy is renewable source.. solar energy is non – polluting. After initial investment all the electricity u produce is free. completely eliminate yours electric bill. environment friendly. No noise or smells, solar oprates totally silent. Saves your money
The law of conservation of energy is that energy can not be created or destroyed,but it can be transferred or transformed from one form to another
Std 6 th to 10 th Geography Text Book Geography magezine Newspaper