1 NYU Langone Medical Center Process for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Policy and Procedures April 21, 2009
2 Overview NIH has received funds to stimulate job creation and economic development activity related to biomedical and biobehavioral research. Funds for FY09 & FY10 Reporting required no later than 10 days after the end of each budget quarter. Estimate jobs created & retained by project or activity. Buy American No Renewals or No Cost Extensions (with exceptions)
3 Chartfield Set-up for Tracking Create Boilerplate remark “ARRA Funding”. The SPA specialist will check the box during set up to assign this boilerplate remark. A standard query will be developed to list all projects associated with ARRA funding for reporting purposes. Our current process for supplements adds to the existing projects. We are modifying and creating a new project for supplemental funds.
4 Chartfield Set-up in Accordance with RIE on eCPP Process Once Intent to Fund is received by SPA via from sponsor, the chartfield will be created without budget, and authorization will be distributed. Departments can proceed with CPPs, employee requisitions or OTPS procurement. When NGA is received, the budget will be posted and another authorization will be distributed, which is approximately 3 weeks after the Intent to Fund.
5 Human Resource Requirements Finance will send Human Resources (HR) a listing of ARRA funding. HR will list the dates of hire. Frequency is TBD. Finance will highlight changes to the list as additional funding is awarded.
6 Reporting Requirements Since quarterly reports are required: −An individual on the Financial Reporting Team will be designated to oversee the ARRA funding, Norka Rappoport. −Notices will be sent 30 days prior to each quarterly report reminding the PI, Administrator and Financial Analyst (FA) of the reporting requirements via . −Once allocations are run (approximately 5 business days after month close) FA will issue Grant Status Report to Financial Reporting team for submission to NIH.
7 Reporting Requirements (cont.) PI & Administrator approval required only for FSR purposes, not quarterly submission (interim reporting). Limited reconciling items included; ledger reports, therefore timely allocation is necessary. Payment Management System (PMS), draw down of funds, has special coding to track expenditures.
8 Administrative Supplements Competitive Revisions This funding will be associated with the Parent grant. No rebudgeting into or from the Parent grant. No carryover into Parent grant. No-Cost Extensions of the ARRA T-3: will be eligible for a one-time No Cost Extension for 12 months. Separate FSR & closeout required. Linkage of Parent to supplements & competitive revisions will be tracked in Peoplesoft.
9 We are the sub-recipient Same stimulus procedures and reporting requirements apply Assigned fund 28 NYULMC
10 NYULMC is the Prime Same stimulus reporting requirements apply. Need timely receipt and payment of invoices. Can’t report obligations. Finance will assist in facilitating process. NYULMC
11 Notice to Other Agency SPA is altering language to include Kamal Jagroo as the billing recipient. Once NGA is received, SPA will notify Finance to establish the PO (new process). Finance will contact the agency and provide our required stimulus templates; −Only completed templates will result in payment.
12 Sub-recipient payment YES Response YES Finance will send reminder at 10 Business Days. If no response will state at 12 Business Days that Finance will submit to AP for payment (Service Level Agreement with AP in progress). Finance receives invoice and logs Finance sends invoice to PI, cc: DA & FA, with requested approval to pay in next 14 Business Days Notice to agency, no payment until completed form. Cc: PI, DA & FA Complete NO Finance sends to AP and follows up for check number to log. * Payment will not be made if PI is not satisfied with performance which must be communicated to Finance and in turn the other agency and PI. NO
13 Communication SPA and Finance will create templates to assist with organizing the gathering of newly required information, such as: retained employees. −Communication will be sent at creation of chartfield via SPA. Department Administrators will be responsible for estimating the number of jobs retained by the project or activity. −Communication will be sent 30 days prior to each quarterly report via Finance, Norka Rappoport. Finance will create a calendar to identify when transactions will post and tentative due dates for quarterly reports.
14 Additional Information Applicants and grantees are also encouraged to review the following websites for additional information on ARRA: March 2009 Statement from the Acting Director, NIH: NIH Grant Funding Opportunities Supported by the ARRA funds: NIH and the ARRA: HHS.gov/Recovery: Recovery.gov: OSR/SPA Stimulus Website:
15 Contact Information Ken Devaney Senior Director Sponsored Programs Administration (212) , Suzanne Locke Director Finance Department, Sponsored Programs Financial Services (212) , Tony Marsicano Senior Director Finance Department, Sponsored Programs Financial Services (212) , SPA Website, Finance Website,