Solar Energy
Radiant Energy 19% energy absorbed by vapor, ozone, dust, etc. 8% energy dispersed in the atmosphere 17 % energy reflected by clouds 4% energy absorbed by clouds 6% energy reflected by the Earth’s surface 46% energy absorbed by the Earth
Solar Radiation
Average Daily Solar Insolation Per Month
o Drying Agricultural Products o Heating Water o Space Heating o Generating Electrical Energy Major Uses of Solar Energy
Solar Technologies o Daylighting & Passive Solar Heating o Active Solar Heating o Photovoltaics (PV) o Concentrated Solar Thermal
Day Lighting
Passive Solar
Active Solar Heating
PV Array Fields
PV Array Components o PV Cells o Modules o Arrays Solar cells can be found on many small appliances, like calculators, and even on spacecraft. They were first developed in the 1950s for use on U.S. space satellites. They are made of silicon, a special type of melted sand.
PV System Components
Photovoltaic Solar Cells Photovoltaic cells convert energy from the sun directly into electricity. In this movie, engineers Beth Richards and Miguel Contreras give your students a clear and engaging "101" on this renewable energy technology, and demonstrate the basic math and science behind it.
In Our Backyard CSU, San Bernardino has installed solar arrays on many of its buildings. It also has an on-ground solar array.
Source: Solarbuzz, a part of The NPD Group
Concentrating Solar Power
Concentrating Solar Thermal GemaSolar Spain features a tower that is heated by the sun using the 2,493 mirrors that surround it, Molten salt pumped through the tower is heated up to over 1,100 degrees F. Some of the superheated liquid salt generates steam to run a turbine generator, while the rest is stored in giant pools so it can run the turbine when it's dark out. At around 20 million watts, the plant generates enough electricity for about 25,000 homes.
In Our Backyard The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is now under construction in California’s Mohave desert Ivanpah utilizes proven solar thermal technology and a low environmental impact design to power California’s clean energy economy with cost- competitive and reliable solar power.
o Clean o Sustainable o Free o Provide Electricity to Remote Places Advantages of Solar Energy
Disadvantages of Solar Energy o Inefficient and costly equipment o Part Time o Reliability Depends On Location o Environmental Impact of PV Cell Production