The Guidelines That Will Lead Your Lodge to Fraternal and Therefore Financial Success!
The Premiere Lodge Award is a fraternal road map to success. Lodges that win this award are successful. o They are turning a profit month after month o They are attracting new members o Their calendars are full of activities that members enjoy o They are the Friendliest Places in Town! o They are supporting Mooseheart, Moosehaven, and their communities.
Camas 1042 Montesano 1210 Peninsula 2362 Finley 2681
Five mandatory criteria: o 1) Net increase in equity (assets) – only has to be $1 more than the previous year! o 2) Net increase in active members on the rolls – only has to be one more member than you had at the start of the year. o 3) Increase in Endowment Fund contributions over the previous year – only has to be $1 more. Or you can attain this by donating more per capita than the national average of $2,10 per member. o 4) Representation at least two of three of the following – WSNIMA Convention, WSNIMA Conference, and International Convention. o 5) Submit Moose of the Year Nomination by July 1 st.
10 alternate criteria: o 1) All four community service reports filed by the quarterly deadline o 2) Preferred members are at least 6% of last years member count o 3) Submission of the Moose Legionnaire of the Year nomination by July 15 th o 4) Submission of the Rookie of the Year nomination by July 1 st o 5) At least two students sponsored to a Youth Awareness Congress
10 alternate criteria: o 6) Report new & re-enrolled members greater than or equal to 15% of your active members on 4/30/2010 o 7) At least $100 donated to Safe Surfin’ Foundation o 8) Participation in the Tommy Moose Program o 9) Representation at WSNIMA Convention, WSNIMA Conference, and International Convention (all 3 meetings) o 10) Representation at a Leadership Training Session for Lodge Officers
Bronze award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 5 of the alternate criteria
Silver award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 7 of the alternate criteria
Gold award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 9 of the alternate criteria
Platinum award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + all 10 of the alternate criteria
Can you see your lodge’s name and number engraved on that plaque at the bottom of the Premiere Lodge Shadow Box? Can you understand why winning this award is important to your lodge? Can you see that meeting these criteria will lead your lodge to greater success? Can you see yourselves sitting in the convention hall in Anaheim when your lodge’s name and number are announced? Can you imagine how proud of yourselves and your lodge you will be if your lodge name and number are called? Can you imagine how proud your members will be of their officers and lodge when you bring this home and hang it up?
Can you imagine the kinds of conversations having this hanging in your lodge will generate? Can you imagine what your lodge’s future is if you don’t start to aspire to do the fraternal things this award recognizes? Can your lodge survive much longer without embracing the fraternal programs outlined in the award?