Ambassador Lodge and the Overthrow of Diem You all need to ensure you have completed your notes from last lesson. You have 10 minutes to move around the room to gather the remaining parts of this information.
Source Analysis In your groups share your thoughts and findings on the primary evidence you analysed for your homework (x3 documents from the source booklet). In addition, discuss the New Statesman article and your reactions to this. WHAT IF KENNEDY HAD LIVED?
“What if Kennedy had lived?”
What impact did Kennedy’s assassination have on Vietnam? LA0ypFXig LA0ypFXig 6ws 6ws
Research Topics You each need to research and establish an argument on one of the following topics: The assassination of JFK changed the whole picture in Vietnam. The assassination of Diem had more of an impact on Vietnam. Neither assassination changed the US position.
Headlines Summarise your key argument to create a news headline for an article for the New Statesman. What do you know so far? How can you summarise your argument?