TM Project web site Quantitative Background for LibQUAL+ for LibQUAL+ A Total Market Survey Colleen Cook Bruce Thompson January 26-27, 2003 ALA Midwinter Meeting Philadelphia
Dimensions of Library Service Quality
LibQUAL+ Core Questions Y1 _____________________________________________________________________________ Factor_______ _ No. I II III IVItem Core _____________________________________________________________________________ Willingness to help users Giving users individual attention Employees deal with users caring fashion Employees who are consistently courteous Employees have knowledge answer questions Employees understand needs of users Readiness to respond to users' questions Employees who instill confidence in users Dependability handling service problems A haven for quiet and solitude A meditative place A contemplative environment Space that facilitates quiet study A place for reflection and creativity * website enabling me locate info on my own * elec resources accessible home or office * access tools allow me find on my own Modern equip me easily access info I need * info easily accessible for independent use Convenient access to library collections Comprehensive print collections Complete runs of journal titles Interdisciplinary library needs addressed Timely document delivery/interlibrary loan Convenient business hours ________________________________________________________________
Affect of Service uAbsorbed several of the original SERVQUAL questions measuring Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy uIn the current analysis also includes Reliability uAll in all: the Human Dimension of Service Quality
Access to Information uCovers scope, timeliness, and convenience of access uAdequacy of collections uComprehensiveness, quality, and depth of information resources uAll in all: required information delivered in the format, location, and time of choice
Personal Control uCovers ease of navigation, convenience, and support services uPersonal control of the information universe in general and web navigation in particular uAll in all: How users want to interact with the modern library
Library as Place uCovers usefulness of space, symbolic value, and refuge for work and study uTranscends the SERVQUAL dimension of Tangibles to include the idea of the library as the campus center of intellectual activity uAll in all: As long as physical facilities are adequate, library as place may not be an issue
Survey Design Considerations uThree scales exploring optimal, minimal, and actual service levels uTwenty-five questions clustered around four dimensions uSurvey covers a sample of targeted user population uData illuminates gap between desired level of service and perception of experience
Respondents by Age (Excludes NYPL) Note: LibQUAL+ Spring 2002 Aggregate Survey Results. (2002). vol. 1, p. 19
Respondents by Sex Note: LibQUAL+ Spring 2002 Aggregate Survey Results. (2002). vol. 1, p. 20
4-Year Institution Respondent by Discipline (n=54,073) Note: LibQUAL+ Spring 2002 Aggregate Survey Results. (2002). Vol. 1, p. 38
DimensionMinimumDesiredPerceivedSA Gap Access to Information Affect of Service Library as Place Personal Control Aggregate Dimension Means (n=70,445) Note: LibQUAL+ Spring 2002 Aggregate Survey Results. (2002). vol. 1, p. 24
Mean Perceived Scores 2001/2002 Trend (n=34)
ARL Top (.46) ARL Other 6.74 (.27) Private Colleges 6.90 (.49) State Colleges & Universities 6.38 (.30) Community Colleges 7.26 (.55) Overall Mean Scores and Service Adequacy Gap Scores By Cohort Group 2002 LibQUAL+ Iteration (n=162) AAHSL 7.07 (.56)
u159 participants from 144 institutions + uLibQUAL+ met respondents minimum expectations on all the items in the evaluation survey, and slightly exceeded expectations in the provision of online tools for managing and monitoring the process uProject strengths also include the timely availability of the results, communication from research team members, and the availability of national norms. LibQUAL+ 2002 Liaison Evaluation Survey Highlights
LibQUAL+ Related Documents LibQUAL+ LibQUAL+ Web Site LibQUAL+ LibQUAL+ Bibliography Survey Participants Procedures Manual