Copyright for the Classroom A Friendly Reminder of What You Should Already Know
What is Copyright? Copyright is the intellectual and legal ownership of materials that are created by an individual or groups. Use of copyrighted materials is permissible for educators under the “Fair Use Guidelines.” * Includes images, audio, text and videos/DVDs
What is a “Fair Use?” “Fair use” says that copyrighted materials may be used for educational purposes as long as the guidelines are followed.
Fair Use Guidelines Purpose of use- copyrighted materials may be used in an educational setting. Nature of Copyright- some materials need to be protected more than others. Amount used- limits how much of a work you can use legally. Commercial value- You are not hindering the owner’s ability to profit from their work.
Amount Used Fair use says that you can only use a portion of certain copyrighted materials in an education setting. Print- up to 10% of work or 1000 words whichever is less. Music- up to 10% or no more than 30 seconds. Video- 10% of a copyrighted work or 3 minutes whichever is less. Poetry- 250 words or less, no more than 5 poems.
Showing videos Videos are copyrighted and protected materials. Many companies (Disney and others) are now aggressively prosecuting copyright violators. (school systems, librarians, teachers) Teachers want to be able to use videos in their instruction legally.
How can I use that video legally? Fill out a video approval form and submit to Mrs. Whitford five days before you intend to show the video. Use the video in a "face to face” teaching activity in your classroom; as a follow-up to literature or to enhance a lesson. Make sure you have a legal copy. Videos may not be used as a reward or entertainment
United Streaming We have United Streaming which is also copyrighted materials. If you are using a video clip in its entirety, you must fill out a video approval form. If you are using clips or portions in a lesson you do not. Images, clips or videos may not be published to the web.
If you want to use videos in your classroom… Make sure they are used for face-to- face instruction. Relate the video to the standard course of study. Fill out a video approval form and submit it to Mrs. Whitford 5 days before you plan to use your video.
Sources of Information NCDPI PBS Teacher’s Source ght/copyright.shtm ght/copyright.shtm All clipart from us/default.aspx us/default.aspx