Conabor. Latin. Verb. I will try my utmost Our DREAM Values Determination Respect Effort Ambition Motivation Conabor Award Show your DETERMINATION “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein
S4 Football Meeting Thursday Break Time Room 115
U15 Girls Football Meeting with Mr Dewar in the PE department at morning break today. This is to organise the Cashback 7-a-side tournament. Can all players please attend
Come along and give us your ideas on activities you’d like to get involved in in the area. We’ll be in the community room in The Lasswade Centre on Tuesday and Thursday this week from 6-7pm, come along and see us. Are you a young person living in Bonnyrigg, Lasswade and Poltonhall?? Then CLD need you!
DofE Can the following S4 students attend a short meeting in room 116 Wednesday break: Abigail Heatley Erin Hunter Georgia Clark Ailey Walkingshaw
Young Writer Workshop If you are going to this workshop on Saturday could you please return your permission slip to Kat today please
Are you an experienced skier? Would you like to take part in the Scottish Schools Dual Slalom Event? WED 17 th JUNE- Midlothian Snowsports Centre We are looking for a team of 5 skiers (boys or girls) to compete for Lasswade! Please contact Miss Watt in the P.E. Department to sign up!
Torness Trip All pupils going to Torness on Tuesday 24/03/15 should attend a meeting at lunchtime on Thursday 19/03/15 in Room 122.
PROM! Final Prom payments are due! The final payment of £30 is to be paid to Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford by the 30 th of April. All payments must be paid!! More updates on the Prom twitter
World Challenge Ceilidh Masonic Hall; Saturday, April 4th - 7pm -Tickets- £5 for concessions £7 for adults Available to buy at lunch in room 209, (Mr Stewart's room)
S6 Rounders Period 6 and 7 on Monday 30 th March at the PE department Dress Code: Beach Themed
Solar Eclipse Friday 20 March From approx. 8.30am Next one in 90 years
Rugby fixtures this Sunday S1’s S2’s Vs Bus leaves 9am on Sunday morning
Rugby Fixtures this Friday U15/16’s Vs NEWBATTLE Meet at the rugby on Friday afternoon
Come and support our U18’s this Wednesday at Preston Lodge Semi final of the Scottish Schools Bowl! Kick off is 5pm. Bus leaves school for players at 3.50pm-£2 for bus.
Wednesday: Study Support Lunchtime S1/S2 ScienceScience Department After school Maths (S1, S2, N4,N5 & H)Maths department PhysicsRoom 123 Higher Business ManagementRoom 231 ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.10) Higher History: Source Questions Mr McKay (216) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept English National 5Mrs Ramtohul (229)
Wednesday: Clubs Lunchtime S1 Art and DesignMr Miller (Room 316) Craft and ChatHome Economics (Rm 201) Lego MindstormRoom 228 ChessMr Poots (Room 212) Keyboard Group, Guitar Group and Show Band All in the music department After School School Show RehearsalsMusic department
Wednesday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S6 Table TennisPE Studio (Mr Gulzar) After school Body Combat/ Boxercise Dance Studio 3.40 – 4.25pm Netball3.45 – 4.45pm Basketball3.45 – 4.45pm GymnasticsGymnastics Academy Snowsports Club4 – 6.30pm (Miss Murray)
Thursday: Study Support Lunchtime German (S4 – S6)Mr Stienbach – Room 213 After school Maths (Higher)Maths department HistoryNat4/5 (116) Higher (117) S4 – S6 BiologyRoom 103 Miss Hargreaves National 5 Geography Geography Department ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.45) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept
Thursday: School Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S3 Creative WritingMrs Ramtohul (Room 229) S4 – S6 Creative WritingMiss Ludbrook (Room 219) S1 – S3 Keyboard and Glockenspiel Room 003 Ceilidh BandMusic department After school Drama ClubRoom 007 (3.30 – 4.30) Concert BandMusic department
Thursday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1/S2 5-a-sidePE Department After school Girls Football TrainingAstro