Welcome to Unit 3 - Neuroscience and Behavior Please feel free to chat before class begins. We will begin on time at 10:00 pm ET We will be watching a 5 minute video on youtube, so if you can open a new window and be ready to copy and paste the link, that can speed things up. Some of you may need to load the video before hand, so here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r71RoIkftd4
Neurons transmit information to other neurons
The synapse is the site where chemical signals pass between neurons
The Nervous System Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Automatic Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System: controls voluntary behavior Autonomic Nervous System: works automatically; you don’t have to think about it Sympathetic Parasympathetic Entric
Autonomic Nervous System (happens automatically) Sympathetic: Emergency system; it prepares the body for flight or fight response Parasympathetic: Quiets the body and returns it to a lower level of arousal
How the Autonomic Nervous System Works Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is not in our direct control; in fact, sometimes it seems to have control over us Have you ever gone to the doctor and found your blood pressure is higher than normal? (White coat syndrome) The sympathetic branch of the ANS raised your blood pressure because of nervousness about seeing a doctor The parasympathetic branch of the ANS will lower it after you get back home
Central Nervous System The Brain: Central “computer” of the nervous system Consists of 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) Spinal Cord: Acts like a cable connecting the brain to other parts of the body From the spinal cord, messages flow through the peripheral nervous system
Name That Brain Damage Damage to certain areas of the brain can cause specific deficits in behavior. This activity links specific brain areas with their functions. RELATED TOPICS: Neuroscience and behavior, the older brain, the cerebral cortex. NOTES You may wish to have students read their textbook chapter about the brain and behavior before presenting this activity. On the next four slides you will find illustrations of the various brain areas, labeled according to their general functions. Be sure to communicate to students that the functions are only a “short list” of those associated with the brain areas in the illustrations. Also note that some functions are hemisphere-specific (such as language). Acknowledgements: This activity was written by Antoinette R. Miller, Clayton State University
Overview of Brain Anatomy: Cerebral Cortex [vision] [touch/sensation] [movement / speech (left)] [hearing; comprehension (left)] NOTES Be sure to communicate to students that the functions are only a “short list” of those associated with the brain areas in this illustration. Remind students that some functions are hemisphere-specific, indicated by “left” in this illustration.
Overview of Brain Anatomy: Lower Brain Structures [ “life support” ] [sleep/wake] [sensation] NOTES Be sure to communicate to students that the functions are only a “short list” of those associated with the brain areas in this illustration.
Overview of Brain Anatomy: Lower Brain Structures [coordination and balance] NOTES Be sure to communicate to students that the functions are only a “short list” of those associated with the brain areas in this illustration.
Overview of Brain Anatomy: Lower Brain Structures { [hunger thirst body temperature sexual behavior] [anger and fear] [memory] NOTES Be sure to communicate to students that the functions are only a “short list” of those associated with the brain areas in this illustration.
What is a Lesion? Lesion = tissue destruction. Damage to a brain structure (or to multiple structures) may affect a person’s behavior or abilities. Damage may be deliberate (experimental) or accidental (head injury, stroke, etc.) NOTES Once students understand that a lesion is tissue destruction that can be naturally or experimentally caused, tell them they will next be presented with six case studies. For each study, have students determine (as specifically as possible) which brain area or areas may be damaged, based on the changes in the patient’s behavior or abilities.
Case Study 1: Patient JP suffered a minor stroke recently Case Study 1: Patient JP suffered a minor stroke recently. Although he has recovered most of his function, he still is unable to speak clearly. He sounds stilted, and almost “Tarzan-like.” parietal lobe hippocampus cerebellum frontal lobe NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 1 is “D.” Point out that the damage, specifically, is in the left frontal lobe in Broca’s area. Further explain that Broca’s area controls language expression. An area of the frontal lobe, usually in the left hemisphere, it directs the muscle movements involved in speech. If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Case Study 2: Patient GN recently was struck in the head with a crowbar. Although her eyes were undamaged, she is now unable to see. occipital lobe spinal cord hippocampus reticular formation NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 2 is “A,” the occipital lobe. (Each brain hemisphere contains an occipital lobe.) If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Case Study 3: Patient AF is suffering from a brain tumor Case Study 3: Patient AF is suffering from a brain tumor. As the tumor grows, he is becoming increasingly belligerent and aggressive. He also seems to have no fear when confronted with threats or danger. temporal lobe amygdala medulla cerebellum NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 3 is “B,” the amygdala. (This is a structure in the limbic system). If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Case Study 4: Patient BB, ironically enough, has been shot in the head with a BB gun. The BB is now lodged in her brain, and she has lost feeling in her left hand. pituitary gland spinal cord parietal lobe frontal lobe NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 4 is “C,” parietal lobe. (Specifically, the right parietal lobe has been damaged.) If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Case Study 5: Patient PD suffers from an extreme seizure disorder Case Study 5: Patient PD suffers from an extreme seizure disorder. Doctors have located the source of the seizures. To prevent PD’s death, they have surgically removed the affected area. While PD’s seizures have lessened considerably, he is now unable to form new memories. hippocampus occipital lobe thalamus frontal lobe NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 5 is “A,” the hippocampus (a structure in the limbic system; there are two hippocampi--one in each brain hemisphere). If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Case Study 6: Patient FD has suffered a minor stroke Case Study 6: Patient FD has suffered a minor stroke. Now, she is extremely uncoordinated and seems to have completely lost her sense of balance. reticular formation amygdala temporal lobe cerebellum NOTES The correct answer for Case Study 6 is “D,” the cerebellum. If you are using Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology to poll your students, you can graph their responses. For more information on iClicker, go to: http://www.iclicker.com If you don’t have iClicker technology, tally responses manually by having students write responses on a piece of paper. You may collect the papers or ask students to raise their hands to indicate the response they chose.
Consider This… What other methods are available to researchers trying to link brain areas to functions? Do you think using studies of lesions’ effects on behavior is the most reliable method? Which brain area would you consider the most terrible to lose? NOTES You might point out to students that PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are neuroimaging techniques that allow researchers to observe a functioning brain. You might also point out that a difficulty with lesion studies is that there is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship between the brain area removed/damaged/lesioned and the functions that are seen to be lost. Some brain areas don’t serve to CAUSE behavior but to actually INHIBIT some functions (and these may be released when this brain area is damaged or removed). Also, no lesion is perfect—there is always the possibility of collateral damage that may actually explain the change in behavior. ***These questions should be used to promote class discussion. They are not constructed for use with Classroom Response System (iClicker) technology.
Left Brain v. Right Brain LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk taking
Some Left Brained & Right Brained Trivia 95% of people use their left brain for language The right brain is used for perceptual skills, like recognizing patterns, faces, and melodies Men and women both had increased left side activity when doing language tasks; both left and rights sides of brain were activated in more than ½ women tested, but not men
Hand Dominance 97% of right-handers process speech in the left hemisphere & are left-brained dominant 68% of left-handers produce speech from left hemisphere, just as right handers do 19% of lefties and 3% of righties use their right brain for language