Alternative Sources of Electricity By: Allex Bigelow Marie Denis
Introduction Demand for alternative energy sources is increasing Two primary alternative sources are: – Wind Power – Solar Power
Wind Power Advantages Energy does not cause greenhouse gases or other pollutants Wind farm land can still be used for agricultural purposes Will never be depleted Wind is cheap and can be used effectively to generate electricity Disadvantages Low energy density Requires large often scenic areas to create wind farms Wind turbines are often quite noisy Highly capital-intensive technology
Wind Power – Engineering Issues Making the turbines as effective as possible at catching the wind Turbines must handle all types of weather conditions Effectively storing power Minimizing setup and maintenance costs
Wind Power - Storage Batteries – Desirable for those not connected to a power grid – Very costly Connecting to existing power grid – Currently cheaper than trying to store wind power Compressed air storage
Solar Energy There are two types of solar energy in Canada 1.Solar Photovoltaics (converting light to electricity ) 2.Solar Thermal (heating and cooling water and air)
Solar Power Advantages Free No Pollution Minimal Maintenance Life span of 30 to 40 years Feeding back to the grid Designed for particular needs Disadvantages Upfront cost (energy system for an entire home runs from 25,000 to 35,000) May not be grants available
Solar Power - Engineering Issues How to track the sun? How to efficiently store solar power?
Solar Power - Storing Solar Photovoltaics Batteries Feeding back to the Grid Solar Water Heating Collectors: Seasonal Flat plate Evacuated tube
Why is Alternative Energy Necessary? No undesired consequences They are Renewable Do not require large mines to harvest Demand for Energy is increasing – amount of fossil fuels is decreasing