Mascalls6 Invicta0 Maidstone Boys0 Maidstone Girls2 Bennett Memorial1 Hugh Christie0 Malling0 Oakwood0 Weald4 Hillview1 Judd2 Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls4 Skinners0 St Simon Stock0 Wrotham2 Hadlow Free School4 Hayesbrook1 Other (private / moved) 2.
1st July Closing date for Kent Test Registration SeptemberPESE Information booklet available. 10thSeptKent Test takes place 15th OctKent Test Assessment decisions sent to parents ( / post) September / OctoberAttend open evenings and sessions at secondary schools 31 st OctoberNational closing date for applications (KCC allowing until 5/11) 2nd March 2015Offer of one school place sent to parents by home LA. (after 4pm for confirmations) 18 th March 2015Parents confirm to LA if they wish to join school waiting list. 20 th March 2015Last date to confirm acceptance to LA. 31 st March2015Date by which you can lodge an appeal April to JuneAdmission Appeals heard. 22 nd April 2015Vacant places reallocated by KCC 24 th April 2015Parents can apply to individual schools.
Information about; Application process Transport Individual Schools
SCAF You are encouraged to apply on-line. School IT facilities and support will be made available. See office staff to book a slot. Parents are invited to select 4 choices in PRIORITY ORDER. Selecting only one does NOT improve your chances. Take care to choose the correct school in the drop down boxes Print off two copies, retain one and bring the other to school.
You will need to register on line before submitting your application. Parents who have previously submitted a Kent Test application will be able to pick that up and add details of preferences and resubmit. You do NOT need an address to apply on line, although the provision of one will allow you to receive confirmation of your application. (check Spam filter is off) Once registered you can edit your application up until close date and view details at any time. If you have submitted an On-line application, do NOT submit a paper one too.
Applications MUST be received by KCC (post or ) by 5 th NOVEMBER 2014
LA will write to parents advising them of the assessment decisions on 15 th October. Parents who registered on line and provided an address will receive the assessment by after 4pm on 15 th October. There is no parental right of appeal against the outcome to a child’s assessment, but parents may make an admission appeal after 31 st March to the independent appeal panel if the child is refused admission to any school they applied for. A Grammar school assessment does not guarantee a grammar school place. Allocation rests on each schools published oversubscription criteria for admission.
All will have their own deadlines. If you are seeking a school in a different Local Authority, check their own web site.
Invited to make 4 choices in rank of preference. Schools are informed of people who have applied for places, but are not told of order. Schools rank depending on published criteria. (distance, siblings, pass Kent Test etc) If more than one school offers, the LA will send parents the offer of the highest placed on the form. If no schools offer, the LA will offer a suitable alternative.
Non negotiable! Measured in a straight line using Ordnance Survey software. Taken from a fixed point in the home to a defined point at the school.
2 nd March 2015Offer of one school place sent to parents by home LA. (after 4pm for confirmations) 18 th March 2015Parents confirm to LA if they wish to join school waiting list. 20 th March 2015Last date to confirm acceptance to LA. 31 st March 2015Date by which you can lodge an appeal April to JuneAdmission Appeals heard. 22 nd April 2014Vacant places reallocated by KCC 24 th April 2014Parents can apply to individual schools
To be eligible, the child must; Attend the nearest appropriate (age /Special) school The distance between school and home must be more than 3 miles via the shortest walking route. Free transport may be available for parents in receipt of benefit or for religious schools. You must apply for transport on line.
Look on the website, research the most appropriate schools. Visit schools to get a feel for them. Don’t dismiss anything yet. (not too many!) Make sure you keep to the deadlines. Keep Mereworth School informed of your decisions. This presentation will be put on the website. Consult it if you need re-assuring. Don’t panic! This is a challenging time for your child. You need to provide stability and re-assurance. They still have a year at Mereworth and need to be able to enjoy the experience and make progress with their learning.