CODE: X t Community Development & Experiential Tourism ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK KOMMUN
CODE: X t Strategic focus: Community development, based on -Natural heritage -Cultural heritage -Contemporary culture
CODE: X t Strategic focus: Sustainable social and economic development of communities
CODE: X t Strategic focus: Triple helix partnerships: -Local authorities -Local businesses -Education/Research
CODE: X t Strategic focus: Long stays High spending
CODE: X t Strategic focus: Sustainability, including -Environmental awareness -Cultural integrity -Respect for local culture
CODE: X t Investigate how cultural heritage can contribute to sustainable community development. Assemble a toolkit of tests and experiments Related to various thematic approaches
CODE: X t Focus on Innovate actions Based on natural and cultural heritage, contemporary culture Emphasis on local involvement and Living presentations of local history and heritage
CODE: X t Actions: Innovative actions contributing to strategic focus
CODE: X t Types of Actions: -Training -Communities as Ambassadors and Communicators (Visitor Awareness Programmes) -Competence building -Local partnerships, all sectors
CODE: X t Types of Actions: -Branding -Identity: uniqueness -Promotional strategies -Technology -Traditional skills
CODE: X t Themes: Fascination of Stone Geology centres and geoparks, presenting natural heritage
CODE: X t Themes: Fascination of Nature Wildlife watching Bird watching Outdoor life Hunting Fishing
CODE: X t Themes: Encounters with Locals Language Local events/festivals Home visits Fishing Boat trips
CODE: X t Themes: Eating the Local Local/traditional food and drink
CODE: X t Themes: Doing Local Culture Storytelling Music Dancing
CODE: X t Themes: Encounters with the Past Museums Living history visitor centres
CODE: X t Anticipated results: Shared experiences of community development based on cultural heritage/cultural tourism Raised awareness of quality aspects of cultural tourism development New cultural tourism operations and activities established
CODE: X t Anticipated results (continued): Quality assessment Quality development programmes Quality branding Exchanges of staff Educational programmes/competence development schemes
CODE: X t Objective 3 (’Interreg IV’) project idea Combining Strategic projects under the C and B strands & Concrete applications under the A strand
CODE: X t B: Northern Periphery B: North Sea B: Baltic Sea B: North- West Europe Örnsköldsvik Ale Halmstad ? A: KASK A: NORD C
CODE: X t Strand B strategic projects: Led by Ale Municipality, Halmstad Municipality, and Örnsköldsvik Municipality, all in Sweden Maybe also a NWE project
CODE: X t Strand A concrete projects KASK: Halmstad NORD: Botnia-Atlantica: Etc.
CODE: X t Minimum 2 countries in each project, but typically there should be 4-5 countries in each – there can be more than one partner in each country (national partnerships)
CODE: X t Total budget would probably be around €2 million in the North Sea and Baltic Sea projects, and around €1.5 million in the NPP Probably there will be a co-financing rate (60-40 in NPP EU-countries, is possible in specific cases)
CODE: X t North Sea B programme area
CODE: X t Baltic Sea B programme area
CODE: X t NPP B Area
CODE: X t NWE B Area
CODE: X t Öresund- Kattegatt- Skagerrak A area Öresund KASK
CODE: X t Botnia-Atlantica A area
CODE: X t Central Baltic A area
CODE: X t Community Development & Experiential Tourism ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK KOMMUN Northern Periphery Project
CODE: X t Possible partners: Northern Finland Örnsköldsvik (Lead partner) Vestvågøy (Lofotr) – Norway Shetland Council (Old Scatness) – UK Iceland Ireland Northern Periphery Project
CODE: X t Possible partners: Finland Latvia (Araisi Lake Fortress) Sweden: Halmstad (Lead partner) Sweden: Vellinge (Foteviken) Germany: Torgelow (Ukranenland) Denmark: ? Norway: Karmøy and Forsand (Avaldsnes and Landa) Baltic Sea Project
CODE: X t Possible partners: Sweden: Ale (Ale Vikingagård) Norway: Stiklestad ? Denmark: UK: Norfolk Netherlands: Eindhoven? Germany? Belgium? Or Nord-Pas de Calais? North Sea Project
CODE: X t Contacts (Erland (Björn
CODE: X t Community Development & Experiental Tourism ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK KOMMUN
CODE: X t Community Development & Experiental Tourism