Vidiecka organizácia pre komunitné aktivity Rural Organization for Community Activities, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
VOKA – RURAL ORGANIZATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES VOKA - a civic association, established in 1998 MISSION: to activate local potential and support /through technical assistance/ the sustainable and democratic development of communities for the improvement of quality of life of rural people
VOKA - GOALS encourage and support local democracy and the right to equal opportunities, free expression and tolerance of other’s opinions,to activate citizens and their participation in planning and decision-making processes, improve volunteerism in community activities, and develop advocacy initiatives on the local and national level promote sustainable community and economic development by activating local resources and accessing appropriate outside resources. Community and economic development includes meeting basic human needs, leadership development, organizational development, and support for activities such as SME in rural areas built a network of individuals, organizations and communities for active co-operation related to rural development activities. To create and maintain relationship with international organizations and institutions with similar goals
VOKA TARGET GROUPS Rural villages with population up to inhabitants Rural leaders and activists (community development) Small businesses operating in rural areas (micro loans, training, advisory services) Local governments officials Rural NGO s (involved in rural development projects)
VOKA’ s Programme Structure, 1 Support of Integrated Development of Rural Communication Capacity Building in Rural Micro-regions and Villages Technical Support in the Area of Sustainable Development of Rural Areas – Management Building Strategy of Roma communities in Banska Bystrica region for Preparation of Integrated Rural Development Strategies, Leader type, participatory approach ( 7 future LAG s) Study trips Related Educational Activities Accredited by the Slovak Ministry of Education: LEADER Local Action Groups, process of realization of rural socio-economic strategies other: Community Strategic Planning, Networking
VOKA’ s Programme Structure, 2 Support of Rural Community Development People to People – competition to award the best practices/examples of local democracy Related Educational Activities Accredited by the Slovak Ministry of Education Community Organizer Other: Community Leadership, Community Mapping, Fundraising for Community Activities Project – Design and Management
VOKA’ s Programme Structure, 3 Support of Employment and Entrepreneurship in Rural Communities YESN – Young Entrepreneurs Support Network Rural Micro Loans Rural integrated mothers’ centers Rural tourism product development – interactive multimodule training program with the objective to develop tourists products Related Educational Activities Accredited by the Slovak Ministry of Education Business Basics, Establishing one’s own business Rural Career Advisors English Basics for B&B providers Rural Tourism and Agro-tourism
RT product development Objective – to train rural activists in rural tourism development, management and marketing General introduction Being an entrepreneur Networking Creating and producing Marketing Continuing....
Thank you for your attention!
CONTACT Address: VOKA Nam. S. Moyzesa Banska Bystrica Slovakia Phone: Fax: Web: