WebQuest on Career Search: “On My Own…” Designed by Carol Keith
Steps In The Process Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page
Task You are using the internet to take online quizzes, to do database searches, do a virtual interview and find a job.
Process Career interests Personality type Learning Style Assessment Occupational Sort Explore occupations Compare to the fastest growing occupations Select one occupation to investigate AND be sure to use different resources Collect information to prepare your report Prepare six specific questions to ask in an informational interview Research Help Wanted Ads Take a virtual interview Write your report Prepare your multimedia presentation
Career interests owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/indes.html owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/indes.html
Personality type Career Interests Game Career Interests Game Career Interests Game Jung Typology Test Jung Typology Test Jung Typology Test Myer's Briggs Adaptation Myer's Briggs Adaptation Myer's Briggs Adaptation Campbell Interest and Skills Survey at
Learning Style Assessment Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire descriptions descriptions
Occupational Sort Use Georgia Career Information Search (GCIS) first. It is found on Our User ID is fultonk12 and our password is gcis354a.
Explore occupations Use GCIS or
Compare to the fastest growing occupations Top 10 Forecasts from Outlook
Select one occupation to investigate (be sure to use different resources) GCIS Occupational Outlook Handbook and Bureau of Labor Statistics The Occupational Outlook Handbooks The Occupational Outlook Handbooks The Occupational Outlook Handbooks News Items from the U S Department of Labor News Items from the U S Department of LaborNews Items from the U S Department of Labor Keyword Search of Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Pages Keyword Search of Bureau of Labor Statistics Web PagesKeyword Search of Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Pages Career library at JobWeb JobWeb America's Career InfoNet America's Career InfoNet America's Career InfoNet Exploring Occupations from the Student Counseling and Career Centre at University of Manitoba Exploring Occupations Exploring Occupations Careers Online Virtual Careers Show Virtual Careers ShowVirtual Careers Show
Collect information to prepare your report Your report should include information on the following topics: –training or education required for the career –prospects for the future in this career, –expected salary range, –unexpected positive or negative aspects of the career –NOTE: Remember, your class presentation is to be a multimedia (PowerPoint or some other presentation software) report. While you are collecting information about the career you chose, make sure you collect images too.
Prepare six specific questions to ask in an informational interview
Research Help Wanted Ads Determine where you will want to work. FREE Zip City Phone at code.htm code.htm code.htm America’s Job Bank at
Other job search engines Monster.com Monster.com HotJobs.com HotJobs.com Thingamajob.com Thingamajob.com
Take a virtual interview
Write your report –Write about the career of your choice, which you chose it, what it will take to be successful…i.e., skills, aptitudes, education, etc. –From the self-analysis involved, tell me about your discoveries. –Include the six questions you would ask in an informational interview. –Include the help wanted add you selected. –Tell me about your virtual interview. –In learning more about yourself, would you still pick the same help wanted ad/career? –What surprised you about your career that you didn’t know before doing this WebQuest?
Prepare your multimedia presentation
Evaluation grading rubric (see attached) This is a major project grade.
Conclusion This activity was designed to give you the feel of how to use the Internet to research a new career and to get to know yourself better. Some useful career sources to remember or revisit are: The Occupational Outlook Handbook Index from A to Z The Occupational Outlook Handbook The Occupational Outlook Handbook Bureau of Labor Statistics Career Information for Kids Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics NationJob Online Jobs Database NationJob InternetJobs has a list of top ten employment-related web sites list of top ten employment-related web siteslist of top ten employment-related web sites
Credits Bernie Dodge’s WebQuest Page at Tom March’s Best WebQuests at Tom March’s Filamentality at Tom March’s WebQuest Design site at A technology article from Education World at WebQuest sites at and htm htm htm Some links were taken from a co-worker, Rebecca Barria, a TAG teacher’s web page at Roswell High School’s web site at and also from Previous teaching material that I developed for my classes before I knew about WebQuests.
Teacher Page On this page I would develop a rubric for grading this individual project, list all the web sites used in the above proposal, and give the logic behind the sequence of the steps. An alternative plan would be to make this a group activity.