The Treaty of Versailles The Peace of Paris, 1919 The Treaty of Versailles
Europe Torn Apart Germany Austria-Hungary Russia New Republics Poland
January 1919 Reconstructing the World 27 Nations The “Big Four” Woodrow Wilson David Lloyd George Georges Clemenceau Vittorio Orlando Wilson’s Arrival From left, UK Prime Minister Lloyd George, Italian Prime Minister Orlando, French Prime Minister Clemenceau, and US President Wilson
Wilson’s 14 Point Plan “Open covenants openly arrived at” Freedom of the seas “alike in peace and war” Removal of barriers and inequalities in international trade Reduction of armaments by all powers Colonial readjustments Evacuation of occupied territory Self determination of nationalities and a redrawing of European boundaries along national lines. An international political organization to prevent war.
The Treaty of Versailles A new type of treaty Power Politics Mutual Confidence A New Democratic Age
The Treaty of Versailles Different Agendas The “Hard Line” approach French Demands British Demands Germany’s Reaction
The Treaty of Versailles The League of Nations Compromising the 14 points The freedom of religion clause The fifth major power The racial discrimination clause The American and British opinion on the racial discrimination clause.
The Treaty of Versailles French Security Trimming down Germany An Independent Rhineland The Anglo-French-American Treaty The Saar (Saarland) Alsace and Lorraine Demilitarization of the Rhineland
The Treaty of Versailles Buffer States Sympathies for Poland Danzig Silesia
The Treaty of Versailles The loss of the Colonies The Mandates Who got what? Disputes between Japan and China
The Treaty of Versailles Scapa Flow Germany’s Army Disarmament Reparations
The Treaty of Versailles The war guilt clause Article 231 Self Respect Norman H. Davis John Foster Dulles
The Treaty of Versailles Self Determination Intermixed nationalities
The Treaty of Versailles The Purpose of the Treaty of Versailles Social Democrats and Liberals Pressure
The Treaty of Versailles The Senate’s Approval Henry Cabot Lodge The Irreconcilables Mild Reservationists Strong Reservationists The Democrats
The Treaty of Versailles Isolation The Anglo-French- American Treaty French Opinion? Geneva
The Treaty of Saint Germain Austria Poland Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia Hungary
The Treaty of Saint Germain Trentino, South Tyrol, Trieste, Istria all went to Italy. Bukovina went to Romania Austrian Independence The Austrian Army Vienna
The Treaty of Trianon June 4, 1920 The threat of Communism Loss of territory Population Major Cities The Hungarian Army Miklos Horthy
The Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine November 27, 1919 Bulgaria New Borders Loss of population War Reparations The Bulgarian Army Protests
Turkey August 10, 1920 The Treaty of Sevres Mustafa Kemal Atatürk The Treaty of Lausanne July 24, 1923 Bosporus and the Dardanelles