Wanderlust Pilot Field Study Presented by Brandon Bond
Collaborative exploration. Discover what is going on around you right now. Team Members: o Ari Ashkenazi o Brandon Bond o Carolyn Scoville o Sheena Kapur o Vince Blas Wanderlust App for Android
Experiment Field Study using Droid Razr M Android phone
Method - Users 6 users found on UW campus or friends. Consisted of students and recent graduates years old Users were either Android or iPhone users All familiar with Seattle area
Method - Environment More realistic environment Tested in several spots around campus, on the ave, and in users home Only had facilitator, note taker and timer
Method - Procedure Explain application to user and give consent form Have user perform each task Observe and record clicks/reactions Ask questions about individual tasks after each one is completed Conduct post interview to ask for most difficult/easiest tasks, overall impression, suggestions and demographics
Test Measures Errors - Clicking on button that didn't help complete task Task Completion Time Rating of each task and entire application Focused on qualitative observations including points of confusion, suggestions, and there thoughts when thinking aloud
Task 1: Browse Points of Interest Browse a point of interest and view its’ description
Arrange to hang out with Friends at the “Diner” at 7:00pm Task 2: Create a MeetUp
Create a New Point of Interest called “The Lodge” at th Ave NE Task 3: Create a new Point of Interest
Experimental Results
Very few errors, at most 1 per task 10/18 tasks had no errors Errors include: not being able to see New Meetup/ New POI buttons Mixing up New Meetup/New POI buttons Trying to create POI from map Experimental Results - Errors
(1-10, 10 being most usable/likeable) Task 1 Usability: 7, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 9 Task 2 Usability: 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7 (caused by broken button) Task 3 Usability: 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10 Overall Usability: 7, 7, 7,7, 7, 8 Overall Likeability: 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9 Experimental Results - Ratings
No context to color to distinguish Meetups/POIs Data entry slow when creating items Detail screen more visually appealing Experimental Results: Comments
Users overall thought the idea had potential and would use especially if friends also used UI was rough in spots and more difficult to use than other applications Buttons and tabs were intuitive or quickly learned after a few clicks around the application Experimental Results - Summary
UI Changes
Place Meetup/POI icon on detail bar to associate with create buttons This will try to further distinguish difference between Meetup/POI Suggested UI Changes
Improve visual design of detail screens Use widgets in text entry (if time permits) Suggested UI Changes
POI on tab will stay due to room, Points of Interest label added to actual page Automation (future) Meetup pin will be shifted slightly when overlapping with POI pin to see both Broken New Meetup and back buttons will all be fixed Suggested UI Changes
Users generally completed all tasks very easy Testing on real phone exposed new issues including data entry Plan to clean up as much of ui as possible and continue to give it realistic Android feel Summary