1 Software Engineering CEN5035 copyright © 1996, 2001 R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.
2 The Course Text Book: Software Engineering, A Practitioner's Approach, Roger S. Pressman, McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, ISBN Three (3) Chapter Tests (each cummulative) 60% – – T! T2 T3 Short answer 40 / 20 / 10 Multiple choice 20 / 30 / 10 Essays 20 / 10 / 0 Deliverables 20 / 40 / 80 Final Exam 0 / 0 / 100 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 Deliverables 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 2 / 5 – –(points given for deliverables out of 30)
3 The Professor Dr. Sara Stoecklin, software engineering practitionier and researcher. 32 years experience in software engineering practice. 20 years in software engineering teaching. 10 years in software engineering research. Office Hours Monday: 6pm-7pm Tuesday: 2pm-5pm Wednesday: 4pm-5pm
4 The Project The Term Project See the project overview web pages for details. Project deliverables will be due throughout the semester according to the project outline. Projects will be done by teams. What is Expected Project Deliverables will delivered on the web. I will have one link to one team-members account. Navigation between deliverables will be done in HTML while actual deliverables will be done in powerpoint. Projects will be graded and corrections will be noted on the ppt files and ed to teams. All graded deliverables must be corrected before the next deliverable is done.
5 The Expectation You have had other software engineering courses including some courses involving projects. I fully expect you to know the items listed below. However, in the chance that you have not been exposed I will spend one short lesson on these items. There are many tutorials on these items on the web including my own web site. How to construct an Entity Relationship Diagram for a database design. How to define the use cases of a project. How to define classes and sequence diagrams in UML.
6 What is Software Engineering? Classic Definition (1969) IEEE Definition (1993) “The establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines.” “Software Engineering: (1) The application of a systematic, disciplines, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is the application of engineering to software. (2) The study of approaches as in (1).”
7 What is the study of Software Engineering? Study of the products produced Study of the process used to produce the products. The final products are software components. They may be fully executables components, programs, modules, systems, or simply methods. There are many sotware deliverables between the specification of the products and the actual products. The software development life cycle describes the development process for producing software products. However there are many other items within the process. We will investigate the full process of software engineering.
8 What is Computer Science vs Software Engineering COMPUTER SCIENCE CUSTOMER SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Theories Computer Functions Problem Tools and Techniques to Solve Problem
9 The Software Engineered Product
10 The Product What is the Software Product? Who does software engineering of the product? Why is software important? What are the steps in software engineering? What is the work product of the engineering process? How do we ensure products are built correctly and that the correct product is built.
11 What is Software? Software is a set of items or objects that form a “configuration” that includes programs documents data...
12 What is Software? What is software? There are two types of software product: Generic Products—These are stand-alone systems which are produced by a development organization and sold on the open market to any customer who want to buy them. Sometimes they are referred to as shrink-wrapped software. Examples of this type of product include databases, word processors, drawing packages and project management tools. Bespoke (or customized) products—These are systems which are commissioned by a particular customer. The software is developed specially for that customer by a software contractor. Examples of this type of software include control systems for electronic devices, systems written to support a particular business process and air traffic control systems.
13 What is Software? software is engineered software doesn’t wear out software is complex software is a ‘differentiator’ software is like an ‘aging factory’
14 Wear vs. Deterioration
15 The Cost of Change
16 Software Applications system software real-time software business software engineering/scientific software embedded software PC software AI software WebApps (Web applications)
17 Software Poses Challenges