Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Scotland Rural Development Programme LEADER in rural Aberdeenshire
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Leader Funding Bid Programme 6.30pmTeas and Coffees 7.00pmIntroduction 7.15pmBackground to LEADER European funding Development of Rural Aberdeenshire LEADER Strategy 7.45pmWorkshops/discussion 8.25pmTeas and Coffees 8.30pmFeedback from Workshops/discussion 8.45pmReport on results of survey 9.00pmThanks and close
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Leader is: part of the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) estimated to be £41m for rural Scotland to empower communities to develop their own area utilising innovation and co-operation LEADER will fund up to 50% of eligible costs match funding from public sector partners, business and community
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group The Outcomes the Scottish Government hope to deliver through LEADER are:- Business viability Enhanced biodiversity and landscape Improved water quality Tackle climate change Enhanced development of rural communities
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Local Action Groups (LAGs): will be established from partner organisations throughout Scotland will bid for LEADER funds will prepare strategy based on the needs and requirements of the community will assess applications
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Leader Funding: The project must be: Sustainable over the long term Involving and engaging the LAG population. Making a positive contribution to sustainability Grant available is up to 50% on local projects Grant available is up to 70% for co-operation projects with other LAGs Community oriented Land Management projects
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Timescale SRDP anticipated approval end 2007 LEADER LAGs to be formally approved Jan/Feb 2008 LEADER Co-ordinator appointed Feb/March 2008 Anticipate application process will start March 2008 Further promotion at workshops and seminars in local communities
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Contact for information: Vicky Thomson Aberdeenshire Council
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Progress so far Shaping the Strategy
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group August 2007, the Aberdeenshire LAG registered the local LAG partnership with the Scottish Government Links have been established with the neighbouring LAGs of Moray, Cairngorms and Tayside Questionnaire has been sent out to over 150 community groups and individuals to gain input into the Strategy Work has started on the Strategy and Business Plan which have to be in by end of October
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group The bid for LEADER funds in Aberdeenshire will be £3.5 million This will mean £1m spend on LEADER projects per annum The LAG aims to reflect a wide range of rural interests comprising an equal mix of public and private sector requirements The overarching Community Planning Themes of Community Wellbeing, Jobs and the Economy, Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Environment are core to the partners and the establishment of the Rural Aberdeenshire LAG
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group LEADER Rural Aberdeenshire LAG Area LEADER Rural Aberdeenshire LAG Area Peterhead Stonehaven Portlethen Ellon Banchory Fraserburgh Inverurie Westhill Aberdeenshire part of the Cairngorms National Park Towns shown (population over 5,000) are excluded from the Rural Aberdeenshire LAG Area
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Themes : Revitalising communities & Progressive rural economy Proposed Priorities: 1. Sustainable Communities 2. Sustainable Energy 3. Innovative Value Added Products and Markets 4. Sustainable Tourism Development 5. Innovative Micro Enterprise 6. Versatile Rural Workforce
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Workshops Identify challenges in Rural Aberdeenshire What actions can we take to tackle the above challenges?
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Results of Survey Challenges 25% mentioned transport links 25% mentioned lack of affordable housing 20% mentioned lack of employment opportunities in local area Also: - lack of local services and facilities - lack of funding for projects Respondents would like to see LEADER respond to the above and help small businesses and environmental projects.
Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Aberdeenshire Local Action Group Rural Transport Community facilities Promotion and marketing of local products Tourism activity and marketing Small scale renewable energy projects Results of Survey Respondents rated the following projects high priority: