NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE VETERANS HOMES “Caring for America’s Heroes” How & What to Communicate with Your Legislators Fred S. Sganga Legislative Officer February 25, 2014
Legislative Session Overview Review of NASVH 2014 Priorities DC Update Senate Bill #1982 Update Hill Day Packet NASVH Hill Day Reception Post NASVH Winter Conference Follow-up
Prior To Your Congressional Visits Review all documents: –State Veterans Home Facts Sheet –NASVH 2014 Legislative Agenda –NASVH Hill Day Reception Invitations –NASVH Hill Day Tracking Form –Capitol Campus Map Have a good understanding of the NASVH priorities Thank your Legislators for: –VA per diem program –VA 70% Service Connected Disabled FCC program –VA Construction Grant program Personalize your visit with a “good” story about your SVH!
Priority 1 Increase Construction Grant Funding to $250 Million to Address Backlog In the past year, the number of priority list group 1 projects doubled from $257 M in FY 2013 to $489 M in FY With only $85 M available for projects this year, the FY 2015 Priority 1 list has over $400 M in projects and could increase to $439 M when States commit to the match.
Priority 2 Enact Legislation to Allow State Homes to Operate Homeless Veterans Programs Allows SVH’s with empty domiciliary beds to pursue VA homeless grants. Works with Secretary Shinseki’s vision to end veterans homelessness by the end of Would not result in any additional new spending and would allow SVH’s to compete for existing federal grants.
Priority 3 Publishing Final Rules that Address Adult Day Health and Domiciliary Care NASVH has been waiting for over four years for the VA to publish these new regulations. Without new regulations, many SVHs with an interest to open or expand ADHC or Doms are hindered in moving forward.
Next Steps Legislative Reception –5:00 pm – 7:00 pm –Cannon Office Building, Room 334 Hill Visits Tracking Form –Complete a Form for Each Visit –Return to Fred Sganga ASAP NASVH and You –Assist with Follow-Up Actions –Facilitate Next Year’s Legislative Agenda Thank You Notes –Revisit Your Visit –Revisit Your Legislative Agenda –Reference Your Visit Next Year
DC Update President Barack Obama Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader John Boehner House Majority Leader
United States Senate Currently, 53 Democrats, 45 Republicans & 2 Independents 36 Senators are up for re-election in November 2014 –15 Republican Seats –21 Democratic Seats Possibility of Majority leadership changes in the Senate this coming November.
US House of Representatives Currently 232 Republicans, 199 Democrats & 4 Vacancies. All Representatives are up for re-election in November 2014 It is projected that the House will remain in the Republican Majority
US Senate - Veterans’ Affairs Committee Senator Bernie Sanders Chairman Vermont Senator Richard Burr Minority North Carolina
US Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Members Democrats Sanders – IVT RockefellerWV MurrayWA BrownOH TesterMT BegichAK BlumenthalCT HironoHI Republicans BurrNC IsaksonGA JohannsNE MoranKS BoozmanAR HellerNV
House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Congressman Jeff Miller Florida Chairman Congressman Michael Michaud Maine Ranking Member
House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Members Republicans MillerFL LambornCO BilirakisFL RoeTN FloresTX DenhamCA RunyanNJ BenishekMI HuelskampKS AmodeiNV CoffmanCO WenstrupOH CookCA Walorski IN Democrats MichaudME BrownFL TakanoCA BrownleyCA Titus NV Kirkpatrick AZ Ruiz CA McLeod CA Kuster NH O’Rourke TX Walz MN
S Update Comprehensive Veterans Health & Benefits & Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014 Senator Sanders’ Veterans “Kitchen Sink” Bill Includes – SVHs ability to access homeless vets grants for domiciliary care. Coming up for a cloture vote today. If passed, will allow for 30 more hours of debate within the Senate – and then a full vote.
Post NASVH Winter Conference Follow-up Remember to thank your representatives for meeting with you. Also remember – It’s an election year! Most Legislators are seeking to get re-elected. Create a photo-op for your Legislator at your SVH and get it in your local newspaper. Continue to maintain good relationships with key staffers in D.C. and local office because the staffers get things done!
The importance of a good relationship with your elected officials…
Questions and Answers Contact: Fred S. Sganga NASVH Legislative Officer (631) Together, we are… “Caring for America’s Heroes”