More Than a Midnight Messenger Who was Paul Revere? Held no high offices Wrote none of the great papers Commanded no army “Mercury of the American Revolution” At the center of pivotal events His actions mobilized the actions of others Paul Revere video on Paul Revere video on
Six Degrees of Paul RevereSix Degrees of Paul Revere
French & Indian WarFrench & Indian War
Join or DieJoin or Die
Six Degrees of Paul RevereSix Degrees of Paul Revere
Sons of LibertySons of Liberty
CSI Boston Paul Revere Forensic Scientist?
Sons of LibertySons of Liberty
Samuel Adams Patrick Henry John Hancock James Otis Dr. Joseph Warren
Sons of LibertySons of Liberty
Son of a merchant and a brewer Tax collector Founder of Sons of Liberty Elected to Massachusetts Assembly Signer of Declaration of Independence Governor of Massachusetts
Patrick HenryPatrick Henry Served in the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Continental Congress Protested British tyranny Reputation as a passionate and fiery orator "Give me liberty or give me death!" Five-term governor of Virginia
Elected to Boston Assembly, 1766 President of the 2 nd Continental Congress Signer of Declaration of Independence Elected Governor of Massachusetts
James OtisJames Otis Passionate and effective protector of American rights during the 1760s Served as advocate general to Vice Admiralty Court Passed over for judgeship - fueled a desire for revenge “A man’s house is his castle”
Dr Joseph WarrenDr Joseph Warren Close friend to Samuel Adams Wrote a number of essays during Stamp Act Congress Member of St. Andrews Masonic Lodge in Boston Killed in action early in American Revolution
Mystery BoxMystery Box
References Paul Revere’s Ride on-paul-revere.html on-paul-revere.html