ELTpodcast.com Developing a Podcast for EFL Students and Teachers Robert Chartrand - Kurume University Bill Pellowe - Kinki University
Agenda Podcasts for students - What and why? Podcasts for teachers - What and why? How we produced our podcasts Website discussion What about the future?
Uschi Felix, Monash Univ. E-learning pedagogy in the 3rd Millenium: Need for combining social and cognitive constructivist approaches Roles of both teachers and students have changed... processes include negotiated curricula and real-life tutors Need for ICALL (Intelligent CALL)
Podcasts for students Why? Beginner - slow/natural/slow Intermediate - natural speed Student oriented materials Website & iPod support for reading Good for study outside of classroom
ELTPodcast.com - Overview
iPod Support Looks great on iPods!
“Teachers’ Lounge”
Participants Bill Pellowe Robert Chartrand Kevin Ryan Dominic Marini
EFL Teachers Description: “Language teachers talking about education and language teaching.” Target Audience
Topic Sampling First Lesson of the School Year Information Gap Activities Using Textbook Dialogs Attendance (policies in practice) Accents & Language Teaching
ELT Podcast - The Teachers’ Lounge is a way for teachers to share their experience with other teachers, especially those who have less experience. Purpose
Episode Page Bread-crumb navigation Subscribe via iTunes Episode Title, Participants Click to listen online (pop-up window)
Written summary of the discussion
How podcasts were produced Recordings done by Sound Studio 3 by Felt Tip Software (Mac OS) when in same location GarageBand was not as good because of poor quality when recording voice Skype is used when recording from different locations Audio Hijack Pro used to record from Skype (good also to record streaming audio)
RSS, Database The technology behind the scenes.
Simpler Solutions Podomatic.com Blogs
Complete control over design, format, ownership. Host several podcasts under one “roof.” Our Own Website
RSS “Really Simple Syndication” format XML file The audience member’s “reader” software checks your XML file to see if you’ve published a new episode. If so, it downloads the new episode file.
1440 ELT Podcast - The Teachers' Lounge en-us Language teachers talking about education and language teaching. Hosted by Bill Pellowe Language teachers talking about education and teaching EFL, English as a Foreign Language. no Language teachers talking about education and teaching EFL, English as a Foreign Language. Wed, 21 Mar :07:05 GMT ℗ & © ELTpodcast.com Bill Pellowe ELT Podcast Podcast Information
First Lesson of the School Year for EFL Classrooms Bill Pellowe, Kevin Ryan, Robert Chartrand Language teachers talk about what they do when faced with a new group of students in the classroom on the first day of classes in the new school year. In this episode, language teachers talk about what they do when faced with a new group of students in the classroom on the first day of classes in the new school year. Visit the Teachers' Lounge archive on our website for a full summary of this and other episodes. ELT Podcast Teachers' Lounge is for language teachers. Tue, 27 Feb :51:53 GMT 16:33 efl, esl, english as a foreign language, first lessons, lesson ideas, lesson plans no <![CDATA[ This episode of ELT Podcast - The Teachers' Lounge… (I’ve truncated this to save space) ]]> Episode Information mp3 location publication date
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Ping iTunes This speeds up the process of having your newest episode listed on iTunes. As a link: MZFinance.woa/wa/pingPodcast?id= Your podcast’s iTunes ID goes at the end.
Future Plans
The Future Podcasts can be a useful tool for PD Will set up a series of video podcasts that show specific teaching points of English Provide feedback opportunity for language instructors to evaluate podcasts so materials fit needs of community Affinity of learners is not well understood, offer an opportunity to evaluate and provide feedback as a learning tool
ELT Video (1 of 2) Practical teacher training videos activity ideas class management tips advice
ELT Video (2 of 2) Practical student training videos for teachers to use in-class how to do pair work doing information gap activities giving a speech
The End