Vinnytsa Tourism Development Project Customer Service in Hotel Operations
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Agenda Project Overview Introductions Expectations The Golden Rule What is Customer Service? Customer Needs? Why is it Important to You? Foreign Tourist Expectations 5 star rating system Communication with Customers Telephone Skills, Complaints, Difficult Customers Staff Self Evaluations Front Desk and Cleaning Staff Protocols Wrap Up Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Project Overview New Vinnytsa tourism website: 2007 tourism calendar: release on 01.12.2006 Customer service training: hotel and restaurant staff Menu and service list translations Tour guide training: employment opportunities for English-speaking youth, development of day tour packages Funding by USAID Small Project Assistance Program, United States Embassy Supported by the Vinnytsa City Administration Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Introductions Sandra Jacobs, M.B.A. Economic Development Project, United States Peace Corps Business and NGO Consultant Sophia Gorobets Project Manager, Youth Center Forum NGO, Vinnytsia Tourism Development Participant Introductions Name Where do you work? What type of work? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Expectations Why are you here? What do you want to learn today? What will not be included in the seminar? What should you know at the end of this class? (Handout) Brainstorm: In their opinions, What are the expectations of foreign tourists? Pass out case study. Read aloud. Have them identify service qualities that meet or exceeded tourist expectations. Compare the first and second flip charts. In groups, list 5 things that you could do to improve service at your business establishment. Vinnytsa Tourism Development Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Remember the Golden Rule Treat others as you want them to treat you. Vinnytsa Tourism Development
What is Customer Service? Any contact between the customer and the business that causes the customer to feel positive, neutral or negative about the business. Customer service is more than just pleasantly greeting the customer. Customer service is everything you need to satisfy your customers, including the following elements. Waiting on the customer Maintaining reasonable inventory levels Maintaining satisfactory working hours Effective presentation of merchandise, including store cleanliness and attractiveness Having the necessary information to help the customer make a good buying decision Handling customer complaints Vinnytsa Tourism Development
A Successful Introduction As small as a smile Providing customers needs Under promise, Over deliver Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Customer Needs Welcome Comfortable Appreciated Respected Timely service Honest Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Why is Customer Service Important to You? In a free-market economy, the customer has a choice of where to buy a product or service There are many businesses selling the same or similar products or services at similar prices A business or shop offering good customer service has a better chance to get the business Good service attracts new customers Good service brings repeat business Foreign tourists like to tip for good customer service in hotels (this includes cleaning staff, front desk, concierge, and restaurant staff) Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Foreign Tourists Expectations Staff with knowledge of foreign languages A well trained staff Reservation-telephone answering procedures Front desk Household staff: uniforms and nametags Knowledge of how to make international phone calls Hotel and area information in foreign languages Walking maps, list of restaurants stores and pharmacies, list of local attractions, list of in-house services Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Brainstorming Exercise What does… Cleaning a room involve? Being a receptionist involve? Waiting table involve? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Customer Service Standards: The 5 Star Rating System * low budget hotel; inexpensive; may not have maid service or room service ** budget hotel; slightly more expensive; usually has maid service daily *** middle class hotel; moderately priced; has daily maid service, room service (food and drink preparation and delivery), and may have dry cleaning, Internet access, and a swimming pool **** first class hotel; expensive (by middle-class standards); has all of the previously mentioned services; has many "luxury" services such as massages or a health spa with intl. standards) ***** luxury hotel; most expensive hotels/resorts in the world; numerous extras to enhance the quality of the client's stay (for example: some have private golf courses and even a small private airport) Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Customer Service Standards: The 5 Star Rating System Analyze your hotel. Where does it fit in the star system? If your analysis is not the same as your hotel’s current rating, what changes could you make to improve? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Communication Active listening is a fundamental part of customer service Let’s try a communication quiz! Examples in your business? Open vs. Closed Questions: Open: What did you like about our hotel? Closed: Did you enjoy your stay? Open: What can I do for you? Closed: Do you need a room at our hotel? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Communication The power of non verbal communication: Face to Face – What % is important? Words Tone of Voice Body Language Phone Conversations – What % is important? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Basic Telephone Skills Scheduling outward calls Appropriate greetings and endings Gathering information Listening skills Suggesting and verifying a course of action Dealing with difficult callers Telephone etiquette Things to avoid when on the phone Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Customer Complaints Why don’t customers complain? Won’t make a difference, too much bother, embarrassed, afraid, too much time If 2 people actually complain about something, in most cases 26 people actually have an issue Only 4% of customers actually complain to management over bad customer service, but this does not mean they are happy Remember the 10/2 rule: If a customer has a bad service experience, he or she will tell 10 people. However, he or she will only tell 2 people if they have a good service experience. Most interesting, if a customer has a bad experience that is corrected and turned into a good experience, they will tell 15 people. Role Play good and bad handling of customer complaints Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Handling Difficult Customers The most important thing to remember when dealing with difficult customers is: the customer is “almost” always right. The manner in which you deal with a difficult customer will reflect how you value your customers. Doing this right is a sign of a well-trained and well-managed business. 5 steps to dealing with difficult customers: Allow the customer to vent Empathize with the customer Problem solve with the customer Agree to a solution with the customer Follow up with the customer to ensure resolution Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Staff Self Evaluations Activity: Draw your perfect staff person Self Evaluation Tool: Appearance Scheduling Attitude and Professionalism Job Performance Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Let’s Practice! Front Desk Procedures Case Study Cleaning Service Procedures Case Study Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Front Desk Clerk Protocols Appearance upon arrival – clean with odor free clothing Set up desk so that everything is at your fingertips Check in and check out procedures – have a good system and follow it! Phone etiquette: greeting, hotel name, your name, May I help you? – all in a nice manner and tone Repeat important points back to the customer Send out confirmations via mail or email Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Front Desk Clerk Protocols Know your community – where to go, what to eat Guest greetings Know how to handle difficult guests Use open questions (as opposed to closed questions) What should be done when all is quiet at the front desk? Determine open communication methods between staff and management and use them Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Maid Service Protocols Service Cart/Basket: What is on it? How do you load it? Trash bin Dirty linen bin Cleaning products Vacuum and Mop Replacement items: towels, linens, soap, shampoo, lotion, toilet paper, etc. Proceed to Room Top-down Cleaning – What is the process? Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Wrap Up What are three things you learned as a result of attending this seminar? What are three things that I will do differently when I get back to my job? In groups, list 5 things that you could do to improve service at your business establishment. Vinnytsa Tourism Development Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Business Consulting Opportunity Through April 2007, Sandra and Eric Jacobs can provide an objective, experiential analysis of your current service levels, including recommendations for improvement and assistance with listing on English-language websites. Cost will be 100 hrv. donation to Youth Center Forum NGO, plus night in room or cost of meal. Contact Sophia Gorobets for additional information. Also available upon request are English phrase classes (fee-based) Vinnytsa Tourism Development
Vinnytsa Tourism Development Project Thank you for your time and participation today! We wish you success with future business management! For additional information on any Vinnytsa Tourism Development project activities, contact Sophia Gorobets at 8-095-395-5993, 56-01-53, 54-07-86 Vinnytsa Tourism Development Vinnytsa Tourism Development