+ Blogging in the Literacy Classroom With Sylwia Bielec, LEARN About UsNew Post Comments Tags.


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Presentation transcript:

+ Blogging in the Literacy Classroom With Sylwia Bielec, LEARN About UsNew Post Comments Tags

+ Session Breakdown Introduction & KWL What is a Blog? Why Blog? How to Blog? o Legal Issues o Pedagogical Issues o Ethical Issues o Logistical Issues

+ KWL What do I know about blogs and blogging? What do I want to know about blogs and blogging? What did I learn?

+ What is a Blog?

+ What is a blog? Portmanteau word of the term Web Log Consists of discrete entries, typically displayed in reverse chronological order A typical blog combines text, images, media and links to other web resources Often themed on a single subject Early blogs had single authors or very small groups “Multi-author blogs” are common today Social networking in the form of cross- links and comments and sometimes private messages make today’s blogs interactive Source:

+ Session Breakdown Legal Issues Ethical Issues Pedagogical Issues Logistical Issues Why blog with students?

+ Why Blog? Blogs......increase motivation for writing Authentic audience Technology (incl. mobile)...create a community of writers Comments & discussion Witness to growth...allow for a variety of text types Self expressive, narrative, literary and information- based...allow for texts in a variety of media Written Audio Video Photo/still image

+ Do you currently have a classroom blog?

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues Ethical Issues Pedagogical Issues Logistical Issues

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues Ethical Issues Pedagogical Issues Logistical Issues Policies Consent Online safety Copyright Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Creative Commons Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Platform Setup Access to equipment Access to blog

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues Policies Consent Online safety Copyright

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues School Board Policies Internet use Acceptable use Preferred blogging platform Consent Parental consent in writing Online Safety Pseudonyms only – no names No locations Being aware of digital footprints Suggestion Servers housed in Canada Copyright Learning how to respect copyright laws Policies Consent Online safety Copyright

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues Ethical Issues Pedagogical Issues Logistical Issues Policies Consent Online safety Copyright Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Creative Commons Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Platform Setup Access to equipment Access to blog

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Pedagogical Issues Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Pedagogical Issues Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Why do you want to blog? Purpose Desired outcomes  The answer to this question will help you come up with a structure Free-form journal “Raison, passion, émotions” (Head, Heart, Guts) Subject-based categories (ex: Reviews, News, Editorial, etc) Text types: poetry, essay, article, etc.

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Pedagogical Issues Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Writing Process At what stage do blog posts get published? Are you ok with less-than- perfect writing going up on the web? Will you allow for rewrites and edits? How often do you expect your students to blog? How often do you expect your students to comment or participate in discussion?

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Pedagogical Issues Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Frequency Random Structured/required Tied to your purpose or rationale  Often linked to motivation Motivating students to blog is the same as motivating them to write!

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Pedagogical Issues Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines What are some strategies that you currently use to motivate your students to write? Answer in the chat box!

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Ethical Issues Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Creative Commons

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Ethical Issues Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Creative Commons Code of Conduct Write it together Accountability Cyberbullying Creative Commons Introduce, explain, give access Contribute Creativecommons.org

+ Sample Items from Codes of Conduct When I blog... I will respect the rules protecting human rights (no racism, no sexism, no religious insults, no insulting remarks). I will not copy what someone else has written and pretend that I am the author. If I quote someone, or use text from the Internet or a book, or use a picture, sound or video that I did not create, I will ask the original creator for permission to use their work. I will use correct English and check my spelling and grammar. I will not incite my readers to buy or sell anything. I will only post things that I would want everyone (in school, at home, in the world) to know.... Sources:

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Logistical Issues Platform Setup Access to equipment Access to blog

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Logistical Issues Platform Setup Access to equipment Access to blog Platforms School Board Portal Edublogs – edublogs.org Kidblog – kidblog.org Setup Create your class blog Enter your students Access to equipment When will students blog? At school? At home? How many computers/laptops/iPads do I have?

+ Planning for Blogging Issues to consider Legal Issues Ethical Issues Pedagogical Issues Logistical Issues Policies Consent Online safety Copyright Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Creative Commons Rationale Structure Writing Process Frequency Guidelines Platform Setup Access to equipment Access to blog

+ What questions do you still have about blogging?