Copyright TLO Limited 2015
1. Session Agenda Agreeing objectives and agenda (5 mins) The purpose of the PLTs and ground rules (3 mins) Recapping AO materials (15 mins) What’s to be done (20 mins) Personal Action Planning (20 mins) Summary of Learning (5 mins) Copyright TLO Limited 2015
2. Session objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: 1.Explain to others the purpose of the PLT 2.Feel confident about the material from the advanced organiser 3.Contribute to a whole-school culture shift to establish perseverance in pupils 4.Undertake a series of doable shifts in practice, following an agreed Action Plan 5.Learning behaviour: Questioning – planning and organising questions to help you structure information 6.Learning behaviour: Reasoning – compare and contrast classroom practice with what is being suggested 7.Learning behaviour: Noticing – noticing detail, subtlety and nuance Copyright TLO Limited 2015
3. The role of the Professional Learning Team sessions 1.A nurturing, systematic structure to support teachers in changing their practice 2.Deepening understanding of the BLP approach 3.Ground rules: – Do we understand them? – Do we have anything to add? – Can we agree to work like this? Copyright TLO Limited 2015
4. Recapping Advance Organiser materials – Perseverance 1.Individual reactions to the perseverance content 2.Assessment of the Perseverance Stretch Grid 3.Assessment of ideas for use in the classroom Copyright TLO Limited 2015
5a What’s to be Done 1.Which aspect of perseverance seems to be most urgent to improve? 2.Which actions seem most do-able, appealing. Red Introductory stories Riskometer Celebratory stickers Stuck posters Yellow Classroom layout Monitoring distractions Reorganising the classroom Copyright TLO Limited 2015
5b. Whole school strategy Everyone choice Whole school strategy Riskometer Stuck posters Learnometer Celebratory stickers Learning visable Stuck posters Celebratory stickers Copyright TLO Limited 2015
5c. Whole-school strategy implications For example: Stuck When the concept of being stuck should be introduced? The need for an icon to illustrate perseverance What, when, how will – Each class discuss and create stuck prompts/to their own design. Each prompt set to reflect age and stage ideas. Who will check the prompts show a progression through the years. By when? Copyright TLO Limited 2015
5d. Build up a Tackle Timeline Introduce perseverance through a story Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Copyright TLO Limited 2015 Introduce benefits of stuck. Identify prompts. Display prompts. Nudge usage. Monitor impact on pupils
6. Action Planning Copyright TLO Limited 2015 Monitoring Yourself Impact of planning Changes in motivation Challenges Your pupils Differences in action, language behaviour Responses to change.