Emerging Trends in State Procurement John O. Adler, CPPO NASPO Marketing Meeting
Emerging Trends I never think of the future – it comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein) The future will be better tomorrow. (Dan Quayle) The future ain’t what it used to be. (Yogi Berra)
Emerging Trends Introduction The Last Five Years The Future Summary – What does this all mean?
Emerging Trends “When we look at the manner in which our army and government have been defrauded by speculators, we must shrink from the idea of trusting to private contractors…” (Congressman Wallace on Civil War Merchants of Death)
Emerging Trends Introduction Patronage and Scandals Low bid for all ABA Model Procurement Code Best Value Procurement E-procurement Tactical to Strategic Procurement “mood swings” A very brief history of state procurement
Emerging Trends The Last Five Years E-procurement Privatizing and Outsourcing Performance Based Contracts Cooperative Purchasing Delegated Buying and P-Cards Strategic Sourcing/Spend Management Training and Certification
Emerging Trends The future is much like the present, only longer. (Dan Quisenberry) The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive. (John Sladek) I have seen the future and it doesn’t work. (Robert Fulford)
Emerging Trends State Procurement Today The Big Budget Crunch The (not so) Big Recovery Shortages Disasters and Homeland Security
Emerging Trends State Procurement Today Waves of Technology Baby Boomer Exodus A Few Good Scandals Its All About the Environment Faster, Better, Cheaper…Smarter
Emerging Trends If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. (Albert Einstein)
Emerging Trends Predictions Procurement Compression Doing much more with much less More delegation to customers Cooperative Purchasing and GSA
Emerging Trends Predictions Where have all the flowers gone? Aging BB Workforce Recruitment and Retention Training and Certification Knowledge Management Procurement Outsourcing
Emerging Trends Predictions What a wonderful world it will be… Security and Disaster Preparedness A focus on the Environment Social Engineering through Contracting Safe Contracting Reform
Emerging Trends Predictions Happy Days Are Here Again? The Economy: In the Pink Continuing shift from tactical to strategic More Outsourcing and Privatizing Innovation and Inventions
Emerging Trends Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. (Albert Einstein)
Emerging Trends Summary What does it all mean?