Report for ALA Planning Retreat Sept 11, 2009 – Sept 13, 2009
More academic institutions with their own special library Fewer stand-alone law, medical, religious, government libraries Overall, numbers of libraries are down 10 year projection has the number of special librarians going down every year 2007 = 16813, 2017 = 10355
Fewer MLS librarians and paraprofessionals More “other type of professional” and non- professional
More $ being spent on salaries, technology & systems, other operating expenses, electronic collections Less $ being spent on outsourcing, other collections, print collections
More use of a web portal to resources, e-reports, e- books Less use of print current periodicals, e-journals, print backfiles More use of electronic journals, licensed content, electronic document delivery Less use of print document delivery, ILL borrowing of print materials, ILL lending of print materials
More likely that the catalog will contain e-journals, e-books, digital images Less likely for staff to do a database search, have in-library use of online catalog, access to reference tools
More $ and time spent on attending professional meetings, taking virtual university courses Less $ and time spent on evening classes, sabbaticals
Finding #1 – Associations Bracing for Negative Impact of Recession Finding #2 – Falling Non Dues Revenue is a Top Concerns Finding #3 – Actions to Combat Current Economic Conditions are Universal Finding #4 – Membership Retention is a Top Priority Finding #5 – Effective Tactics to Accomplish Goals: Direct Mail, Event Marketing and Public Relations Finding #6 – Spending Patterns Expected to Change The State of America’s Associations (The 2009 Survey Results)
Expect Lower New Membership Growth Expect Fewer Attendees at Meetings Expect Lower Revenue from Non-Dues Activities Seeing Cuts in State and Local Budgets Massive Layoffs in the Industry Lower Reported Sales Revenue Finding #1 - Associations Bracing for Negative Impact of Recession In December08 82% of respondents had an extremely negative outlook on the economies impact on organizational goals. In June 80% respondents say that there has been a negative impact.
There has been a Sharp Decline in Spending in These Areas i.e. Sponsorships, Advertising and meeting Attendance Solutions Include: - Budget Cuts - Hiring Freeze - Staff Reorganization - Layoffs Volunteer Participation is a Still Positive Area Finding #2 – Falling Non Dues Revenue is a Top Concern 2/3rds of June 09 respondents reported a decline in meeting registration with 26% seeing a 20+% decline.
Budget Cuts and Hiring freezes Were Cited Most Frequently as the Solution to Current Conditions Also Cited Were: - Salary Freezes - Reduced Member Programs - Outsource Some Staff Functions Finding #3 - Actions to Combat Current Economic Conditions are Universal 85% of respondents say that they have reduced budgets as a result of the economic conditions. Approximately 50% have salary/hiring freezes and 30% layoffs.
Three of Top Four Priorities Involve Retention: - Increasing Awareness/Brand (36%) - Developing New Methods to Engage Members (50%) - New Member Recruitment (41%) Finding #4 - Membership Retention is a Top Priority June09 60% of respondents reported a decline in membership retention with 27% reporting a decline of 10+%. Approximately 29% reported no change.
Association Priorities Generally Determine Which Marketing Strategy is Most Effective For Membership Recruitment or Retention the Following were thought to be Most Effective: - Direct Mail, Phone Calls - Promotional Pricing i.e. Early Bird, Bundling, Conference Payment Plan etc. - Event Marketing - Illustrate/Create Member Value Online Media was Found to be the Least Effective Finding #5 - Effective Tactics to Accomplish Goals* (Direct Mail, Event Marketing and Public Relations) *See next Slide
ItemDecember 2008June 2009 Budget Cuts84%86% Salary Freeze43%55% Hiring Freeze57%50% Reduced Program/Services45%38% Change Investment Strategy50%32% Layoffs/Eliminated Positions26%30% Staff Reorganization35%32% Outsourcing25%13%
Although Direct Mail is Considered the Most Effective Method to Maintain Brand Awareness, Retention and Recruiting, Budgets are Expected to be Cut However, Online Activities are Expected to Increase: - Social Networking - Web Site Modification - Finding #6 - Spending Patterns Expected to Change Most respondents have seen budget cuts. Those that had a more positive outlook are more likely to increase or maintain their budget for marketing
“Survive the Recession by Preparing for the Recovery” - Meetings and Conferences - Global Market Growth
The Meetings, Events and Conferences Industry Will Need to Focus its Message and Streamline its Activities. Key Drivers for Success will be: - Flexibility in Program Offerings - Value Creation i.e Enhance the Member Experience and Promote Connectivity - Cost Savings - Explore Innovative Pricing Options - Involve the Exhibitors at Every Level
Market Analysis - Research Needs to be Collected from Customers Product Management - Input from local Experts in Adapting Product or Service Membership - Involve Local Leaders to Create Local Activities Communications/Marketing Plan - Make the Findings/Information Relevant to Local Audiences Meetings - Select Partners with Solid Local Knowledge and Expertise in Multiple Business Areas Meeting the needs of the membership remain a critical element in the future success of any association regardless of economic the environment.
More $ to electronic materials, less to print More non-MLS, fewer MLS & paraprofessional. Fewer special librarians every year Fewer meeting attendees and association members Reduced revenue = budget cuts and hiring freezes Member recruitment and retention becomes critical for associations
Many strategies to deal with budget shortfalls (i.e. no single solution) Electronic resources will continue to gain in importance