How Halton ICT Business Services climbed the management Ziggurat Mike Horsley Lead Analyst, ICT services, Halton BC
Background Business Improvement and Transformation projects are carried on at Halton B/C by two teams: ICT Business Services Team (located in ICT Services): 10 Senior Business Analysts trained in: SPRINT ISEB Business Analysis & Requirements Engineering Lean Six Sigma Engagement Model: Supporting business strategy via client liaison Management of corporate incremental improvement projects Ground level involvement in Corporate Efficiency programme workstreams (data gathering, process analysis etc.)
Background Corporate Efficiency team – ‘Programme Office’ Located in Financial Services (3) Staff seconded from HR and Research & Intelligence Engagement Model: To implement corporate efficiency programme based on original KPMG report using a basic 3 stage model: Opportunity Assessment/ Design & Planning/ Delivery To identify and implement new efficiency workstreams to support corporate efficiency agenda and current budget pressures Undertake data gathering, process analysis, Develop As Is and To Be structures
Background ICT Business Services team was approached by SPRINT team in Feb/March 2011 to participate in trialling new approach i.e. customisation of SPRINT Training programme to fit organisation’s requirements and use of action learning sets Format of training was to be a two day workshop learning to apply the Sprint methodology to a Halton Specific business area At the end of two days setting tasks to be reported on at a follow up session approx 4 weeks later. Decided to focus on the innovation/ transformation processes Within Halton i.e. How do innovation/transformation projects arise? How are they managed etc.?
Objectives of the SPRINT engagement (i)Assess the new model of SPRINT delivery (ii)Analyse & Improve the corporate innovation/ transformation process (iii) Challenge the strategic focus of the ICT Business Services Team
(i) Assess the new model of SPRINT delivery Day 1: tutor sessions, syndicate exercises, plenary Output: Starting places, reasons for change, Halton’s current change programme (major, medium, minor), Stakeholder analysis, collaborative process mapping of ‘As Is’ Identification of metrics and characteristics of an improved process Day 2: Tutor sessions, group sessions, syndicate, plenary Output: Process Map of ‘To Be’, Business Case for Proposals, Action plans for follow up session
Course Format Day 3 (Review Workshop) Review ( Feedback on work completed, materials produced, actions identified,) Design Studio - Problem analysis (I.D. faults, problems, weaknesses, gaps in current process) Design Studio – Reflection (“Are we now able to suggest a re-design?”, what could be done to put the faults right ) Start the re-design (using previously I.D.’d essential characteristics of new process) Build high level process map Next actions, next steps (how is the team going to maintain involvement and provide further support) Outputs from sessions (high level process map, Report, Documented versions of work achieved)
Course Delivery- Critique Feedback from delegates: Selection of business area has to be thought about carefully- must be an area that all delegates are familiar with to maximise engagement Initially, boundaries of focus area need to be clearly defined and problems should be known or easily identifiable Pre-course preparation activities would be useful to kick start thought processes around focus area Improved links between teams- better understanding of roles/ functions Liked application to local real world problem Output is immediately useful to organisation
(ii) Improve corporate innovation process Main outcomes from sessions: Improved understanding of how major change requests come about and how they work their way through the system Concept of ‘triage’ introduced- more intelligent selection of appropriate technique/ methodology for specific projects Closer working relationship between Programme Office and Business Services Team
(iii) Challenge the strategic focus of the ICT Business Services Team Challenge: how to engage the team at a higher decision making level in the corporate transformation process Historically, the engagement model has been: ‘Business as usual’ projects e.g. manage upgrades to ICT systems or business specifications for new in house ICT system developments Small scale business improvement projects e.g. analyse business processes and recommend business efficiencies Supporting tasks for Efficiency Programme e.g. data gathering/ process analysis
(iii) Challenge the strategic focus of the ICT Business Services Team We want to be engaged here We are currently engaged here
(iii) Challenge the strategic focus of the ICT Business Services Team Strategy: Raise awareness of capabilities of team via presentations at Directorate Cascade Meetings(SDs and DMs) and client liaison programme Use outputs of SPRINT project to suggest improvements in current corporate business change process to Senior Management Promotion of business transformation ideas at SD level to generate new workstreams.
(iii) Challenge the strategic focus of the ICT Business Services Team Outcomes (to date): Invitation to project manage an Efficiency Workstream Engagement on 3 Local Strategic Partnership projects Ongoing discussions at Strategic Director level regarding development of new Workstreams Work in progress!
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