Summary of Training Issues March 28, 2006
Overview EPA’s Reorganization Plan & Effect On Training National Training Strategy Asked to Recommend Role EPA Would Play Training Funding MJOs Training Providers (Universities & CARB)
EPA - Background Education & Outreach Group Operated Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) Since the early 1970s Offered APTI Courses & All Related Activities supported by 105 funds Provided Distance Learning Through Satellite Broadcasts Administers Forward-Funding 105 Grants 6 MJOs ($968,850) 8 Area Training Centers 7 State Universities ($720,410) CARB ($304,940) Organized Various Conferences (Annually or Ad Hoc)
Background—Benchmarking Study EPA Conducted a Benchmarking Study (2004/05) Improve the overall value and effectiveness of the program Conduct Regular Needs Assessments with more open-ended questions and post course feedback Create a feedback process for monitoring course evaluations and improving courses Review current courses, shelving unnecessary courses, determining priority updates needed, and identifying the most important courses for transfer to new media
Background—Benchmarking Study Benchmarking Study Recommended Improve the overall value and effectiveness of the program Systematize course development process Evaluate opportunities for web-based training and feasibilty Focus more on distance learning (especially using internet)
EPA - Future OAQPS Reorganization Plans Eliminating Education and Outreach Group Staffing support for training will be minimal, with some contractual assistance Reducing Training Activities/Support Future Emphasis will be on Outreach New programs/policies but limited in scope Strong Negative Reaction Hold EPA’s Feet to the Fire Provide Funding Support for Training $395,000 (most frequently heard amount)
National Training Strategy
STAPPA/ALAPCO and OAQPS Leaders Meeting (Sept 2005) Focused on Current/Upcoming Issues of Key Importance How S/A and OAQPS can work together on these issues EPA Announced Reorganization
Background STAPPA/ALAPCO Boards asked the Joint Training Committee to develop a National Training Strategy to provide a framework for future training. The JTC Subcommittee included: Chairs: Mary Boyer, CARB; Arturo Blanco, Houston, Eddie Terrell, OK; Steve Friedman, OH; Harold Garabedian, VT; Casie Lord, Dayton Scott Mathias, OAQPS; Zena Aldridge, NETI; Matt Loesel, EPA Region 6 Susan Wierman, MARAMA; Charla Rudisill, NESCAUM; John Hornback, SESARM; Dan Johnson & Jeff Gabler, WESTAR; Amy Royden-Bloom, STAPPA/ALAPCO
Summary of National Training Strategy Vision Goals Elements of Strategy Options for Implementation Recommendations Next Steps
Vision: National Training Strategy A national training program that enables local, state, and federal air quality professionals to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to… effectively contribute to attaining and maintaining healthy air quality, quickly learn new job responsibilities, and maintain, enhance, and update skills in their existing areas of responsibilities.
Goals: National Training Strategy Understand the training needs of local, state, and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state, and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost- efficient training methods. Utilize course material that is up-to-date, complete, and easy to use.
Goals: National Training Strategy Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly, and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new, and emerging technologies where appropriate.
Elements of Strategy Needs assessment Curriculum development Course content development/updating Course format development/updating Training program administration Resources Communication
Options for Implementation What National Coordination is Needed? STAPPA/ALAPCO, EPA (OAQPS, NETI, OTAQ) What can be Accomplished Regionally? MJOs or EPA Regional offices What are the Roles of State/Local Agencies? What are the Options for Training Providers?
Recommendations Conduct Needs Assessment: Conduct periodic formal needs assessments supplemented by informal assessments. Continue collaborative national/regional/state/local effort. Development of training plans by state/local agencies would facilitate needs assessment. Identify Curriculum/Course Path: To help states/locals develop training plans, update the recommended course path for major job categories (permits, enforcement, etc.)—Seen as EPA HQ responsibility with assistance from JTC and other STAPPA/ALAPCO Committees.
Recommendations Update Course Content: Cooperatively set priorities in response to needs assessment and course evaluations. Basic courses seen as EPA responsibility for updating, with advanced courses and regionally-specific courses/workshops developed collaboratively by training providers/MJOs/EPA/state & local agencies. Training providers handle lab courses with grant support. Resources for updating are uncertain. Continue Workshops/Information Exchange: Developed as needed by EPA, STAPPA/ ALAPCO, and MJOs.
Recommendations Consider Course Format Development/Updating: Form a JTC subcommittee to provide recommendations on courses to be reformatted for blend of web and in-person delivery. Recognize courses may need to be offered in more than one format (e.g., self-instructional and in-person). Utilize information from CARB and NETI evaluations and practices. Resources for development are uncertain.
Recommendations Maintain Course Master Calendar: EPA or STAPPA/ALAPCO must maintain nationally with input from all training schedulers/providers. STAPPA/ALAPCO will explore creation of web- based system to allow direct input of updates. Coordinate Course Scheduling: Coordination through JTC to spread offerings through the year and across regions, particularly for basic courses. Use Training Evaluations: A standard evaluation form has been developed. EPA should consolidate responses and communicate results. Results will influence course scheduling and updating.
Next Steps Obtain Feedback on Draft Strategy STAPPA/ALAPCO Boards of Directors and Committee Chairs in January Scott Mathias and Eddie Terrill to discuss Strategy with EPA management. Present strategy to entire S/A JTC at March Meeting WESTAR Air Directors’ Meeting STAPPA/ALAPCO membership April Meeting
Next steps, Continued Implement the Strategy Subcommittee to develop final strategy & transition plan after hearing from above. Subcommittee to explore options for conducting pilot project examining course formatting options Subcommittee to develop curriculum for various positions
Training Funding
EPA Announces that Training Grants must be Awarded Competitively Multi-Jurisdictional Organizations (MJO) 6 MJOs – $968,850 Use 105 Funds SO FAR MJOs have Demonstrated Co-Regulators Status, and as a result Exempt from Competition Training Providers (Universities & CARB) 8 Training Providers – $1,025,350 7 State Universities -- $720,410 California Air Resources Board (CARB) -- $304,940 Use 105 Funds
Training Providers’ Funding EPA Decided that Training Providers’ Funding Must Awarded Competitively After 2006 If Funds are Awarded Directly to Training Providers S/L would have LITTLE say in determining Award Criteria S/L would have NO say in who would be awarded Funds could Potentially Awarded to Any Entity Certain Level of Uncertainty (Associated Risk)
Training Providers’ Funding Funding Award Alternatives Training Providers Cross-Fingers & Hope for Best STAPPA/ALAPCO Very Reluctant MJOs At Least Two Have Language in Charter that would need to be changed WESTAR & NESCAUM have provided favorable feedback