WILDLIFE POPULATION THRESHOLDS Conservancy size = 336,428 ha. To better visualise population numbers, imagine a 5000ha farm and calculate densities of the population for this farm by dividing the estimate by 70. This gives a standard index - Numbers per 5000ha farm – which is easy to understand in practical terms. Compare the density of what you have with the densities in the last column of the table above. If greater, then that species has reached its threshold and can be harvested at higher off-take rates ANNUAL WORK PLAN 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec ZONATION Maintain Boundaries Enforce Zones IMPROVE RESOURCES Apply for more animals Implement reintro. Plan Increase patrols Implement rhino mgt plan WILDLIFE UTILISATION Hold planning/quota setting meeting Meet MET for quota approval Accompany trophy hunter, skinners & trackers Plan & conduct own- use hunts Distribute meat Soup kitchen for pensioners during pension payouts Obtain reports from hunts Write trophy hunting reports Compile annual trophy hunting report HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT Build & maintain kraals Investigate, react to & report on incidents LAW ENFORCEMENT Undertake monthly patrols Gather intelligence Conduct joint anti- poaching activities with MET Conduct road blocks WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Update water inventory Conduct water mgt training MONITORING: Game Count Hold planning meeting, set routes & dates Arrange logistics, participants, training Conduct Game Count Update population trend charts MONITORING: Event Book System (EBS) Monitor incidents on patrol Monitor removals for capture Measure trophies Record info from fixed patrols COMMUNICATIONS Present mgt & zonation plans to members Familiarise members with zone boundaries Conduct monthly EBS meetings & display info Present wildlife report to management meetings Present wildlife report to AGM Display info at membership meetings Conduct EBS audit Order new EBS materials VISION The wildlife populations of ≠Khoadi //Hôas are restored, sustainably managed and utilised for the benefit of present and future generations. Zonation Plan supported by : WWF Norway, Norad, ICEMA OBJECTIVES:HOW TO ACHIEVE THESE: 1 To prevent conflicts in land use interests through zonation Division of conservancy into 5 zones selected to maximise benefits from varying land uses Community members & other stakeholders accept zonation & abide by zone "rules" 2 To support and increase wildlife populations through introductions Game acquired through donations & mutually beneficial exchange deals Suitable species for surviving local conditions & acceptable to community introduced No exotic species introduced to avoid devaluing wilderness product for tourism & hunting High value species given priority & acquired via custodianship or stock-loan schemes No Burchell's zebra introduced Only harmless predators (aardwolf, brown hyaena etc) accepted from neighbouring lands Sufficient numbers of animals introduced to ensure viable breeding populations Introduced animals monitored to assess survival, breeding & movements 3 To manage wildlife populations effectively for sustainable utilisation Wildlife populations allowed to increase within limits that prevent competition with livestock Quotas of less numerous animals (e.g. elephant) will be shared with neighbours to take into consideration their movements Population parameters, trophy quality & trophy search effort will be monitored & taken into account when calculating quotas. Quotas will be manipulated in response to changes in veld conditions 4 To prevent illegal activities in the conservancy Shepherds meet members to talk about value of wildlife & to clarify what activities are unacceptable Highly visible anti-poaching patrols will be conducted at regular but unpredictable intervals Reward system developed & widely publicised to deter poachers Zero tolerance of poaching publicised widely Active anti-poaching relationships developed with MET, Lodge operators, neighbours & police The shepherds & other staff trained to collect & preserve evidence so that arrests result in convictions 5 To provide water for people, livestock and wildlife Water point development conservative & phased Design of water points blend into surrounds attractively & where possible used as tourism development sites so as to ensure that they are maintained. Hides built at selected water points for tourism & monitoring Water points periodically closed or opened to simulate migrations or to ‘rest’ veld, if necessary Conservancy divided into 2 areas for water point management & maintenance. Training in water point management & maintenance conducted twice a year. Water maintenance schedule always strictly enforced Where necessary, wildlife water supplies developed away from homesteads to ensure that animals can drink undisturbed. Water facilities protected from damage by elephants. 6 To reduce Human Wildlife Conflict No settlement/farming in exclusive wildlife zones Water points protected from damage by elephant Alternative water provided for elephant to keep them away from homesteads / kraals Techniques such as chili bombs used to keep elephant away from gardens and homesteads Livestock kept in secure kraals at night to protect them against predation Herders or guard dogs employed to protect livestock from daytime predation Juvenile livestock, particularly small stock guarded Implement an early warning system for presence of lion to give people an opportunity to take special care to kraal their animals at night Implement self insurance scheme for those who have taken all due care but still suffer damage from wildlife 7 To provide appropriate information for effective management Event book monitoring for natural resources integrated with a compatible system for monitoring financial, business & institutional management monitoring. Data compiled into a monthly reporting system & aggregated annually to provide information for adaptive management decisions & to show long-term trends. A meeting focused on adaptive management decisions based on the monitoring information held annually. Annual road based game counts conducted in partnership with MET & other service providers. Reports shared with members, MET, NGOs, trophy hunters & tourism operators to promote understanding & transparency Monitoring by Grootberg Lodge integrated into conservancy reporting Species Present population (average ) Desired population Density index (/5000ha) Baboon Cheetah Duiker Eland Elephant Gemsbok Giraffe Impala (Black faced) Jackal Klipspringer Kudu Leopard? Lion? Rhino Springbok Steenbok Warthog Zebra Ostrich RECOMMENDED HARVEST OFF-TAKE RATES Off-take rates & types of off-take change as desired population densities are reached # Only males will be hunted until desired population sizes are reached ## Females may be harvested once desired population sizes have been reached Before Desired Population Size Reached After Desired Population Size Reached SpeciesTrophy (%)Other use (%)# Trophy (%)Other use (%)## Baboon2%- Elephant Don’t hunt unless very old, in poor condition & only in consultation with MET & neighbours Gemsbok2%3%2%15% Giraffe1%- 5% Jackal10 animals/yr - - Impala (BF)2% Never 2%10% (capture only) Klipspringer2% - - Kudu2% 3%2%10% Leopard 1 animal/yr - - Ostrich3%5%3%10% S Hyaena 1 animal/yr - - Springbok2%5%3%20% Steenbok2%3%2%10% Zebra2%-3%8%