The Dance of Self-Care Presenter: Janice Fialka
As a community, we can begin by acknowledging that compassion fatigue exists.
Our plans for today Understand the impact of emotional labor Practice self-care strategies Identify two strategies to use in future weeks.
What about your work is stressful or weighs you down?
Signs of compassion fatigue Difficulty concentrating Intrusive imagery Loss of hope Exhaustion (tired in such a way that no amount of sleep will help) Irritability Isolating self Cynical Excessive complaining Excessive blaming Anxiety Others?
All careers and jobs involve some kind of labor
Emotional Labor - Arlie Hochschild (1983) “Managing the Heart” Managing strong emotions while staying connected to the family
Your outward appearance may be radically different from how you feel on the inside. To manage these differences and to appear “pleasant” takes work. THAT kind of work is called Emotional work
What are the tools used with some labor?
Our ability to connect... To form relationships... To feel... EMPATHY is our primary tool What is our primary tool?
What is empathy ? … the action of feeling the feelings & thoughts of the person, as if you are the person... WITHOUT having the feelings & thoughts FULLY in an explicit manner. - Babette Rothschild Empathy is our tool!
Two components to empathy (Heinz Kohut, founder of the movement of self-psychology in the 1970’s) 1. Having a sense of or an understanding of the feelings of another AND 2. Being able to demonstrate in accurate verbal or non-verbal reflection the feelings of the another.
Resulting in that glorious experience “I feel understood!”
We feel empathy in our bodies
All this... feeling, emotional labor, empathy, giving of ourselves doing, doing, doing Leads to....
“Chronic exposure to really tough circumstances…….” -Dr. Doebbeling, Indiana School of Medicine compassion fatigue
The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering or loss daily and not be touched by it…. is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to walk through water without getting wet. - Rachel Naomi Remen, “Kitchen Table Wisdom”
You CAN do something!
Self-care strategies: The list is long and varied! Humor Eat Well Exercise regularly Sleep Spend time w/ loved ones Buddy up w/ someone Do NOTHING for 5 minutes each day. Use rituals to transition from work to home Intentional breathing Guided imagery
We’ll focus on 4 strategies Power of the PAUSE Breathing and relaxation techniques Journaling Laughter
Strategy #1: Power of the PAWS
Strategy #1: Power of the PAUSE
Strategy #2: Relaxing Breath Exercise: Andrew Weil, M.D. -founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
Ready, Set... Release: Music & Relaxation Exercises for children By J. Allen and R. Klein Strategy #2: Visualization
Strategy #3: Journaling It’s not about being a writer--- it’s about being an explorer
Journaling is “good” for you!
Many ways to write 1. Write a letter to someone (Dear _____) 2. Write a letter to yourself, expressing kindness to yourself Write about 3 things you are grateful for...
Strategy #4: Laughter! Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel "burnout" setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have a long-term perspective. Dalai Lama
My commitment to myself...