Submitted to: Mr. Graeme Stevens ICT Teacher Grade 9G English Modern School Submitted by: Christelle Anna V. Ebesate Grade 9G English Modern School
Company Professionals (Part 1): An interview was conducted on February 10th-12th, 2012 to three (3) company professionals belonging to the same company and they were also requested to answer twenty (20) survey questionnaires to inquire the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in their company in everyday workday. EMS Students (Part 2): Additionally, thirteen (13) EMS students also participated based on my request in the same project during February 2012; however, the methodology used in this survey was the “Survey Monkey Method” where they provided their individual answers on-line on how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects and helps them as students. Total Respondents: 3 Company Professionals and 13 Students.
A1. Males = 3 (100%); Females = 0 (0%). A years old = 1 (33.3 %) years old = 1 (33.3 %) 40 – 50 years old = 1 (33.3%)
A6: Work efficiency and communication. Communication to people even when they are far away. It is used often. Get information from anywhere in the world and communicate with anybody around the world, etc.
A9: It affects me in a good way, but, it must be used properly. If ICT is missing, you could not be able to work. By using all the devises for communicatiuo0n and research.
A10: Yes, the World Wide Web (www) and research. It is used in networking. Yes, information again.
A12: The effect is good if used properly. It is damaging if used improperly. In communication.
A13: It makes work so many times easier. In this generation, ICT is greatly used. Its part of our lives today.
A14: The IT Department is responsible for IT related problems and it helps. For the health, safety, security and environment work, it (ICT) makes the work easier. It gets quicker results. Communicate with all the staff by phone or .
A15: Yes, if used in a good way it is useful for communication, research, academics and daily use. Sometimes, the younger generations are affected. Using it for games instead of studying. People use these devises and use ICT the whole day like cellphone and computer.
#QUSTIONSPOSITIVE RESPONSE 1ICT in my opinion, greatly made my life easier especially in my work. 3 2It (ICT) mostly affected the planet due to the improper and irresponsible use of it. 2 3I believe that if ICT is being handled in a wise and proper way, it will be a great way to help the future as long as we stay as responsible individuals. 2 4People sometimes do not see what harm there is, so it relates to an irresponsible use of it. 2 5Actions relates to different various ways neither good or bad. 2 6I say that it will just affect the future and it wouldn’t change n matter what.
#RESPONSE TO Q17 1It is very useful because it makes job / work easy. It is efficient, fast and reliable. 2Yes, it is a major work in the company. It is used in various ways. 3It makes our work easier by easy comminication. #RESPONSE TO Q18 1No, there will always be change. When we were in college ICT was minimal. Now, the new generation is more exposed to ICT. 2No, because ICT is dynamic. It changes from time to time. 3Yes.
#RESPONSE TO Q19 1Yes, sometimes. 2Yes, information technology is very dynamic. The advancement in the scientific field is swift. Almost all forms of information is readily available at the press of a finger. People always try to beat the existing technology and improve it all the time. As such, changes are constant and it is greatly expected.
#QUSTIONSPOSITIVE RESPONSE 1It greatly did make life easier for all of us. 3 (100%) 2Quirt but it is not that useful 0 3In my opinion, it has never been easy up till now. 0 4Not at all. 0
A1. Females = 13 (100%). A years old = 13 (100%)
#ANSWERS 1It helps humans in doing their everyday life and in researching and information. 2It helps humans in every day life, like creating sketches for buildings, etc. 3I always use ICT for my projects and assignments. 4Phones and IPods. 5Fun, studying basically everything. 6Work and games. 7Social network. 8Surfing the internet. 9For social networks and homework. 10To go to one’s facebook. 11Internet social networks. 12Communication and connecting. Also makes life styles a lot more efficient. 13Its mostly used for communications and socializing and for researches and accuracy (like calculations, projects, products, ect.).
#ANSWERS to Q9 1For me it makes it so easy to do stuff and things, but I don’t like to do things that’s easy so I just write my opinion on something while others just copy and paste. 2It makes it more easier. 3It makes my life easier. I get a lot of information from ICT. It makes people’s life easier. 4Most of the time. 5Everything. 6It makes it much easier. 7It may control me sometimes, but I usually use it for my good entertainment. Also for help. Everything is easier when ICT was around. 8Not in a bad way. 9Everyday. 10It makes everything easier. 11Its in every corner of it.
#ANSWERS to Q10 1Yes, I learned how to use publisher to do my school work that is required. Also to create my own design of something and etc… 2Yes, in my school work and study. 3Yes, by using Microsoft. 4Yes, internet! 5Yes, I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know in school. 6Yeah, it helped me to type fast and get access to information easily. 7Yes, I’ve learned a lot about editing, communicating. Respect, valuations and many other things through ICT. ICT is very useful. 8Yes, I did as an example by using Google I learnt new facts and interesting things about the world and it helped me a lot in my educational way. 9I don’t have one in my mind right now. 10Yes, through internet, everything is easy to find. 11Yes, through personal research through the unlimited internet. 12Yes, I have learned a lot of things through ICT. I can get lot of information from it. I can use ICT for my assignments and projects. Now only me, but must people use ICT in their daily lives.
#ANSWERS to Q12 1ICT will really improve much from now, and people for example teachers might have a problem with students not thinking and writing their won opinion they just search it on the internet and copy paste so the students are not really learning to use their brains. 2It will effect our life every thing will need ICT. 3ICT will be really effective since it would be more developed and easier to use. ICT should be controlled and not be a waste. 4It will make life a lot easier. 5The ICT use will grow to be even useful and more problems will come from it. I don’t think people will handle it wisely. 6It’s going to help people a lot but still will be a kind of addiction. 7I think the effect off ICT would be either bad or good. Good because people can get a lot of information. And bad, because children will use it too much rather than doing their assignments people will use it for bad intentions. 8It will develop in an enormous way.
#ANSWERS to Q 14 1Well, I’m still a student, so for me as a student, I use ICT to help me research for things I can’t do my self like finding a picture of great old artist or to find a name of an old book etc… But I use it to save my work. 2Projects. 3It is used in projects and researches. Sometimes it is used for research and assignments. 4Work. 5Educational help. 6I don’t have a company. 7I am still a student. 8We use it in doing projects, researching and practicing. 9They use it as a way of communicating for all teachers (Isams) and use it to find information I need and for doing presentations. 10I am still a student and ICT help me by giving me a lot of information and those information can help me in my assignments and projects. 11Research to do projects.
#ANSWERS to Q15 1Yes, because it made life easier for human that people are not actually using what they have which is ‘’their brain’’ but it is also helping human in a positive way too. 2People use it very much. 3Yes it has, because almost everyone is able to afford ICT devices which leaves everyone in touch with ICT on a daily basis. Parents should control their children by allowing ICT in particular circumstances or during specific lessons. 4Yes, by helping me. 5Because they need it and will help them in everything they need. 6It helps them find what they want. 7Because it is good and it teaches them a lot. 8People are using all different types of ICT. They should become more aware of problems that can come with the constant use of ICT. 9Because no one can love without it and it became an addiction and they should handle it by trying to decrease the obsession they have for it. 10Yes, ICT has greatly affected people these days. The answer is both good and bad. Good in a way that it can encourage o look up for more information and they tend to rely on it and bad because of too much use and forgetting responsibilities.
#QUSTIONSPOSITIVE RESPONSE 1ICT in my opinion, greatly made my life easier especially in my work. 8 2It (ICT) mostly affected the planet due to the improper and irresponsible use of it. 2 3I believe that if ICT is being handled in a wise and proper way, it will be a great way to help the future as long as we stay as responsible individuals. 9 4People sometimes do not see what harm there is, so it relates to an irresponsible use of it. 3 5Actions relates to different various ways neither good or bad. 1 6I say that it will just affect the future and it wouldn’t change no matter what. 0
#ANSWERS to Q17 1For me as a student, I think it is very useful and it makes me do my homework in a perfect way. 2For home work in the school. 3It helps with projects and assignments. 4It helps with better communication between companies. 5Yes. 6We use it for projects and research. ISAMS in the case of the teachers. 7Because it helps a lot in finding information and for communication between teachers and students. 8We get a lot of information from the internet and it makes our lives easier. It helps a lot. 9Makes everything easy to find.
#ANSWERS to Q18 1No. 2I don’t believe it’s true. 3Yes. 4 5No No, for me, it’s not true at all.
#ANSWERS to Q19 1Yes, I think that’s so because there’s go to be a way to stop bad ways of human in bullying people and deleting their stuffs and things to have fun. 2No. 3Yes, it can relate in many ways. I think it’s pretty suitable for their situation. 4Yes. 5No. 6Sometimes, yes. 7Yes. 8 9Yes, this saying relates to change of all harmful ways of people and even to ICT. I strongly believe that if people can change, life will be easier and if they can change their ways of handling ICT, everything will be fine.
#QUSTIONSPOSITIVE RESPONSE 1It greatly did make life easier for all of us. 11 2Quite but it is not that useful 0 3In my opinion, it has never been easy up till now. 0 4Not at all. 0 5Skipped to answer. 2