Exploring the World of Work Chapter 1
Objectives Define a job, an occupation, and a career. Describe how skills, interests, and desired lifestyle may shape career plans. Explain how work life affects lifestyle. List reasons that people work. Identify workplace trends such as the global economy, changing technology, diversity, and teamwork.
What is Work? Work is any useful activity. Interests are the things that you like to do. Skills are the things you know how to do. They are the result of knowledge combined with experience. Skills that you can use in many different situations are transferable skills. It is important to consider your personality, skills, and interests as you plan your career.
What is Work? 6. Career Portfolio is a collection of documents and projects that can help you achieve the career and lifestyle you want. 7. A job is work that you do for pay. Often it is for a specific position with a company. 8. An occupation is the type of work you do. 9. A career is a series of related jobs or occupations built on a foundation of interest, knowledge, training, and experience.
What is Work? 10. The average American will have more than eight different jobs by the age of 32. 11. Your lifestyle is the way you use your time, energy, and resources.
Why People Work 12. People work to pay for wants and needs, to be around others, to make a contribution, and for self-fulfillment.
The World of Work is Changing 13. The workplace is constantly changing. 14. An economy refers to the ways in which a group produces, distributes, and consumes its goods and services. 15. Goods are the items people buy. 16. Services are activities done for others for a fee. 17. The global economy refers to the ways in which the world’s economies are linked. 18. The global economy impacts the job market or the demand for particular jobs, in each country.
The World of Work is Changing Skills for a global economy include: 19. Basic skills include communication skills such as reading, writing, language arts, math, and scientific literacy. 20. Thinking skills include creative thinking, critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, seeing things in the mind’s eye, curiosity, knowing how to learn, and reasoning. 21. Personal Qualities include personal responsibilities, social and civic responsibility, self-direction and self-management, self- esteem, adaptability, integrity, and honesty.
The World is Changing 22. Employers want workers who can complete tasks quickly and effectively, who can think critically, work well in the environment, are motivated, who can work well with others, and who can use the tools of the workplace.
The World is Changing 23. Technology, teamwork, and diversity are all global workplace trends. 24. Outsourcing is when businesses hire other companies or individuals to produce their services or goods. 25. Telecommute is working from home or in an office center using technology such as computers, faxes, cell phones, and telephones to perform their jobs. 26. Good team members do their share of the work, have good communication skills, and have a positive attitude. 27. Part of respecting diversity means valuing the contributions of every individual.
The Job Outlook 28. Most jobs are in the service-producing industries. Fewer jobs are in the goods-producing industries.
The Job Outlook When entering the workplace: 29. Define your goals. 30. Stay informed or changes in the workplace. 31. Expect the best from yourself and others. 32. Maintain a positive attitude. 33. Learn from your mistakes. 34. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn
Work, Change, and Lifelong Learning 35. Lifelong Learning means continuing to learn more about new technologies, new practices, and new ideas throughout your life.
Quiz 1. What are transferable skills? A. the things you like to do B. task-specific skills C. skills that you can use in many different situations D. any useful activity
Quiz 2. What is the term for the type of work you do? A. volunteering B. lifelong learning C. your skills D. your occupation
Quiz 3. According to the text, which of the following is a workplace trend? A. decreased outsourcing B. decreased attention to diversity C. increased use of manual labor D. increased technology use
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