Childbirth Options & Trends
Natural Birth Natural Birth is for those who don’t want to have drugs used to help ease the pain of childbirth. Normally, those who elect to have this use a midwife or doctor with them to supervise the birth.
Cesarean Section A cesarean section, C-Section, is a procedure in which a doctor cuts through the stomach and uterus to take out the baby. This is done when: Contractions aren’t strong Cervix isn’t fully dilated Fetus is struggling or head doesn’t go down birth canal If baby is premature
Water Birth This type takes place in water, which relieve the back and hips from the baby’s weight. Also, the water makes it easier for the fetus to travel down the birth canal.
Birthing Rooms This takes place in a room with a bed, living room, kitchen, and bathroom. With mood lighting and freedom to move around, this makes birth much easier for the mother to deliver. After delivering, the baby is placed with the mother as soon as possible.
Home Births Usually set in the home, a guest room, involving the partner of the mother and a midwife. A water birth can be incorporated into the home birth setting. Make sure to have medical services in case of emergency.
Bradley Techniques Birthing technique which focuses on relaxation, imagery, and breathing. Considered a pain relief option that doesn’t involve medication.
Lamaze Birthing technique that focuses on helping women know more about labor, and has popular breathing exercises. Another pain relief option without the use of medication.
Narcotic Analgesics Pain relief medication that doesn’t involve complete numbness Usually given as an injection or an intravenous (I.V)
Epidural Anesthesia Insertion of a plastic tube into the area around the spine to inject pain medication to numb from the waist down for complete relief. Forceps or vacuum extraction are used if pushing to the fullest isn’t an option. An I.V drip is required to give fluids for 4 to 6 hours after the delivery.
Tools Used During Birth Episiotomy- A small incision used to make the vaginal opening larger for delivery. Vacuum Extraction- used when the mother is to tired or the baby is in trouble. Uses a cup and suction is used to pull it out. Forceps- Tools used to guide the baby’s head out of the birth canal.
Sources info.netchildbirthoptions2.html info.netchildbirthoptions2.html