Update for Corporate SIG on Learning Strategy Implementation Paul Marvell Director of Learning
IoF National Strategy Education We will develop and deliver fundraising training that supports all fundraisers through qualifications, conferences, events, our branch structure and formal learning. We will support existing fundraisers in their personal and professional development and provide additional support to those new to fundraising. In delivering these, we will generate core income to support the Institute in delivering its services to its membership.
Tactics to deliver strategy CPD Qualifications Convention and conferences Learning online Fundraising training programme Mentoring Good practice toolkit Fundraisers as trustees Lobbying and advocacy
CPD Research Outcome based Source supplier Mandatory vs. voluntary Steering group
Qualifications Framework Curriculum development Skills Third Sector Qualifications Online Steering Group
New style convention Quality over quantity Learning outcomes clear for all sessions Content for all levels New tracks to reflect the market better Facilitated networking Debates
Online Learning TEG Trusts Entry level qualification Generic fundraising skills
Mentoring SW pilot update M&E of SW pilot Source supplier/ consultant Pilot further vs. roll-out
Fundraisers on boards Media coverage – Third Sector, Caritas Partnered with NCVO Working with Trustees U nlimited Working with Specialist Schools Advisory Trust In a consortium of professional associations
Senior Management Dev.t Upper level qualification Head of Department to Director of FR Director of FR to CEO Map competencies Tailored programme
Corporate Mentoring At discussion stages Business in the Community Company mentoring charity and vice versa
Organisational Benefits Convention places Conferences Online learning Courses Involvement in design and delivery
IOF Academy Qualifications Practitioner led NOS linked In-house
Opportunities for Corporate SIG Involvement in design and delivery of Academy courses/ master classes Online learning Corporate Fundraising one day conference Qualifications CPD Mentoring and corporate mentoring