HEInnovate workshop A self-assessment tool for Higher Education Institutions Presentation of results Thematic Forum on Developing Entrepreneurial Universities.


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Presentation transcript:

HEInnovate workshop A self-assessment tool for Higher Education Institutions Presentation of results Thematic Forum on Developing Entrepreneurial Universities 22 nd May 2014

Overview of the features of HEInnovate Present the initial results from the participants at this University Business Forum Introduction to HEInnovate

Self-assessment tool for HEI – to explore entrepreneurial potential An initiative of the European Commission and the OECD Open to all HEIs (Universities, University Colleges, Polytechnics, etc) It provides a tool to open up discussion and debate associated with the entrepreneurial nature of your institution -> A joint action plan It is available at : Introduction to HEInnovate

Get started..

Manage groups..

View assessments

Group function: Discussing and comparing results – through facilitated workshops

Guidance Notes

Case Studies - based on your results

Results from the self assessment

Overall results from the seven areas

Leadership and governance

Organisational Capacity, People and Incentives

Entrepreneurial Development in Teaching and Learning

Pathways for entrepreneurs

University – Business / External Relationships for Knowledge Exchange

The entrepreneurial HEI as an internationalised institution

Measuring the impact

HEInnovate.eu For more information: