Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital Treatment of Voiding Dysfunction by Urethral Injection of Botulinum A toxin Hann-Chorng Kuo Department of Urology Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital
Voiding Dysfunction Neurogenic detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia Dysfunctional voiding due to spastic urethral sphincter Poor relaxation of sphincter & low detrusor contractility Detrusor underactivity or Detrusor failure Detrusor areflexia
Therapeutic modalities for voiding dysfunction Medication: alpha-blocker, skeletal muscle relaxants, nitric oxide donors Behavioral therapy: biofeedback, electrical stimulation, neuromodulation Surgery: transurethral sphincterotomy, TUI-bladder neck, urethral stent Clean intermittent catheterization Indwelling Foley catheter or cystostomy
Background of Botulinum A toxin Botulinum A toxin is an inhibitor of acetylcholine release at the presynaptic neuromuscular junction Inhibition of acetylcholine release results in regional decreased muscle contractility at the injection site This chemical devervation is a reversible process, axons resprout in about 3-6 months
Mechanism of Botulinum A Toxin in Neuromuscular Junction
Clinical usefulness of Botulinum A toxin Focal dystonia, blepharospasm (Scott et al 1985) Dysphonia (Whurr et al 1993) Limb spasticity ( Hesse et al 1994) Dysphagia (Schneider, et al 1994) No severe adverse effects ever reported
Clinical application of botulinum A toxin in voiding dysfunction Botulinum A toxin 20-80 U successfully treated 11 SCI & DESD (Dykstra et al 1988) In 21 of 24 SCI & DESD, BTX-A toxin 100 U reduced residual urine and MUCP (Schurch et al 1996) Transperineal injection of BTX-A in 6 SCI improved voiding function (Schurch et al 1997)
Clinical application of botulinum A toxin in voiding dysfunction Relief of voiding dysfunction due to prostatitis in 4 men (Maria et al 1998) Improved bladder capacity and decreased maximal detrusor pressure after BTX-A in 5 SCI (Gallien et al 1998) Effective in treating DESD (12), pelvic floor spasticity (8), and acontractile detrusor (1) by BTX-A 80-100 IU (Michael et al 2001)
Improved Voiding Efficiency Increased detrusor contractility in detrusor underactivity – nerve stimulation, increased nerve density Reduced urethral resistance – urethral smooth muscles and striated muscles Recovery of detrusor contractility in idiopathic detrusor acontractility
Patients suitable for Botulinum A toxin Treatment Patients with voiding dysfunction who were refractory to medication or behavioral therapy Chronic SCI & DESD with low empty efficiency Cauda equina lesion and difficult urination Peripheral neuropathy and difficult urination Dysfunctional voiding Idiopathic detrusor underactivity Poor relaxation of urethral sphincter
Enrolled Patients Criteria Patient is unable to void spontaneously, indwelling catheter, or on CISC Difficult urination with low Qmax and large residual urine Moderate to severe obstructive IPSS (>10 points) High voiding pressure (>50 cm water) & low flow rate (Qmax <10ml/s) during urodynamic study Poor relaxation or hyperactivity of sphincter EMG activity during pressure flow study
Pretreatment evaluation Conventional treatment at least 3 months Cystoscopy to exclude anatomical BOO Postvoid residual urine volume Videourodynamic study: voiding pressure, abdominal leak point pressure, Qmax, sphincteric EMG activity, urethral patency in VCUG Obstructive score in IPSS
Obstructive symptom scores and Quality of life index (IPSS) Residual urine sensation or retention 0-5 Intermittency 0-5 Small caliber of urine or retention 0-5 Straining to void 0-5 Quality of life index 0-6 Indwelling Foley catheter or on CISC
Botulinum A toxin
Botulinum A toxin therapy 100 units (1vial) is diluted to 2ml 50-100 units are used, 4 equivalent aliquot are injected via cystoscopy guide in men and around the urethra in women Complete cardiorespiratory monitoring in OR Foley catheter is indwelled for 1 day Report adverse effect (AD, hematuria, UTI)
Evaluation of Treatment Outcome Subjectively improved in voiding efficiency Increase in voided volume Reduction of residual urine volume Decrease of voiding pressure (detrusor or abdominal pressure) Decrease in frequency of catheterization Removal of indwelled Foley catheter
Botulinum A Toxin Urethral Injection in Woman *
Sphincter Injection Cystoscopy
Cystoscopic Urethral Injection in Men
Identification of External Sphincter in Man
Injection of 3,6, 9, and 12 o’clock Position of Urethral Sphincter
Clinical Results after Botulinum A toxin Urethral injection 50 –100 units of botulinum A toxin injected to urethral striated muscles Effect appears 2-3 days after injection Detrusor pressure or abdominal leak point pressure decreased and facilitate spontaneous voiding Minimal adverse effect was noted
Materials & Methods A total of 103 patients received urethral Botox injection 48 men and 55 women Aged 16 to 94, mean 54 years old 45 patients had urinary retention 48 patients received 50U, 55 patients received 100U
Diseases and Enrolled Patients Dysfunctional voiding 20 Detrusor hyperreflexia & external sphincter dyssynergia 29 Poor relaxation of urethral sphincter 19 Cauda equina lesion and detrusor areflexia 8 Detrusor underactivity or detrusor failure 13 Detrusor areflexia due to peripheral neuropathy 14
Outcome assessment Excellent: (1) spontaneous voiding by reflex or abdominal straining in urinary retention patients; (2) improvement in voiding pressure (Pabd or Pdet), Qmax, and residual urine by >25% Improved: improvement in voiding pressure, Qmax, and residual urine but <25%, patient is satisfactory to therapeutic effect Failed: subjectively no improvement, persistent urinary retention, or persistent large residual urine
Therapeutic Results of Urethral Botox for Voiding Dysfunction Excellent Improved Failure DV (n=20) 6 (30%) 14 (70%) DESD (n=29) 8 (27.6%) 15 (51.7%) 6 (20.7%) PRES (n=19) 8 (42.1%) 7 (36.8%) 4 (21.1%) CE (n=8) 5 (62.5%) 1 (12.5%) 2 (25%) DF (n=13) 8 (61.5%) 4 (30.8%) 1 (7.7%) DA (n=14) 5 (35.7%) 6 (42.9%) 3 (21.4%) Total (n=103) 40 (38.8%) 47 (45.6%) 16 (15.5%)
Therapeutic Results of Urethral Botox for Voiding Dysfunction
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in All Patients with Successful Results Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 321.5±144.5 317.5±147.5 0.818 Voiding pressure 62.8±40.4 42.8±31.3 0.000* Qmax 7.1±6.4 10.6±6.4 PVR 226.4±164.8 88.8±111.5 N= 66
Urethral Botox in Treatment of Dysfunctional Voiding 20 patients with dysfunctional voiding 7 men and 13 women High voiding pressure & a hyperactive urethral sphincter activity 6 had excellent result, 14 had improved result, no failed case Success rate was 100%
Dysfunctional Voiding (Pseudodyssynergia) in CVA
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Dysfunctional Voiding Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 233.8±110.9 256.3±144.8 0.443 Qmax 10.7±7.1 10.3±4.8 0.803 Voiding pressure 46.8±25.1 31.1±12.0 0.008 * PVR 141.7±135.9 57.3±63.4 0.026 * N= 16
Urethral Botox in Treatment of Poor Relaxation of Sphincter 19 patients (12 men & 7 women) had a low voiding pressure and intermittent sphincter activity during voiding 8 had excellent result, 7 had improved result, 4 failed (all had psychological disorder) In 5 patients with retention, 3 had excellent and 1 had improved result
Severe dysuria in Poor Relaxation of Urethral Sphincter
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Poor Relaxation of Urethral Sphincter Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 403.0±148.4 401.5±126.6 0.979 Qmax 10.9±7.9 16.6±8.3 0.176 Voiding pressure 39.6±26.3 27.9±13.9 0.091 PVR 161.6±149.4 24.3±25.1 0.034 * N= 8
Urethral Botox in Treatment of DESD 29 patients with DESD, 24 men & 5 women 27 had spinal cord lesion, 2 had multiple sclerosis 8 had excellent result, 15 had improved result, 6 failed 4 patients with retention had excellent result High pressure or low pressure DESD had similar success rate (84.6% v 75%)
DESD in Multiple Sclerosis with Urinary Retention
Reduction of voiding pressure in a SCI patient with DESD
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with DESD Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 243.3±106.3 236.3±109.3 0.860 Qmax 6.8±5.7 9.2±7.7 0.077 Voiding pressure 45.7±22.7 30.7±15.5 0.016 * PVR 160.2±124.0 104.6±134.6 0.227 N= 18
Urethral Botox in Treatment of Cauda Equina Lesion 8 patients with cauda equina lesion 4 men and 4 women 5 had excellent, 1 had improved result In 6 patients with urinary retention, 4 had excellent result, 1 improved Repeat urethral Botox injection was necessary in 1 with hypertonic sphincter
Cauda Equina Lesion with Detrusor Areflexia & Isolated Sphincter Obstruction
Reduction of abdominal pressure in patient with cauda equina lesion
Detrusor Areflexia due to Cauda Equina Lesion in MS
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Cauda Equina Lesion Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 454.7±86.4 493.9±146.4 0.445 Qmax 1.3±0.5 7.7±7.9 0.065 Voiding pressure 75.1±43.2 52.7±48.0 0.207 PVR 445.7±99.8 200.0±214.1 0.042 * N=7
Urethral Botox in Treatment of Detrusor Failure 13 patients with detrusor failure or underactivity, 1 man & 12 women 8 had excellent, 4 had improved result All 7 patients with retention could void after urethral Botox treatment Detrusor contractions reappeared in patients with detrusor failure
Recovery of Detrusor Contractility in Detrusor Failure after Botox
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Detrusor Failure Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 360.5±153.1 354.3±142.4 0.864 Qmax 7.5±6.5 9.8±4.8 0.291 Voiding pressure 54.9±30.9 38.5±19.3 0.025 * PVR 242.1±180.4 95.4±75.9 0.034 * N= 12
Urethral Botox in Treatment of Detrusor Areflexia 14 women had detrusor areflexia after previous radical hysterectomy Patients voided by abdominal straining 5 had excellent, 6 had improved result 2 failed cases had bladder neck obstruction Improved voiding noted after TUI-BN 1 patient received 2nd injection successfully
Detrusor Areflexia after Radical Hysterectomy,s/p Botox injection
Reduction of Abdominal Voiding Pressure in Detrusor Areflexia after Radical Hysterectomy
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Detrusor Areflexia Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 405.4±139.4 404.8±181.0 0.992 Qmax 4.5±4.6 8.3±4.6 0.112 Voiding pressure 118.1±65.6 92.3±51.1 0.033 * PVR 329.3±130.4 195.0±186.9 0.025 * N= 14
Reduction of MUCP in a women with peripheral neuropathy
The Urethral Pressure Profile Parameters at Baseline and after Botulinum Toxin Injection Post-Botox Statistics* MUCP (cm water) 97.1±31.7 51±23.2 0.027 * FPL (cm) 3.35±0.59 3.30±0.33 0.773 MUCP=maximal urethral closure pressure, FPL=functional profile length,
Factors for an Effective Urethral Botox Injection Adequate dose of Botulinum A Toxin Exact injection into urethral sphincter Hyperactive urethral sphincter is less favorable than non-relaxing sphincter Psychological inhibition of sphincter relaxation is less favorable than organic non-relaxing sphincter
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Botox Dose Excellent Improved Failure 50 Unit (n=48) 19 22 7 100 Unit (n=55) 21 25 9 Total (n=103) 40 47 16
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Botox Dose
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Voiding Pressure Excellent Improved Failure High pressure voiding (n=33) 10 (30.3%) 21 (63.6%) 2 (6%) Low pressure voiding (n=70) 30 (42.9%) 26 (37.1%) 14 (20%) Chi-square test, p= 0.063
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Voiding Pressure
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with High Voiding Pressure Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 221.3±107.7 257.8±140.2 0.222 Qmax 9.7±6.7 10.1±6.1 0.745 Voiding pressure 52.1±23.3 33.3±14.1 0.000* PVR 141.9±133.2 92.5±128.1 0.203 N= 24
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Low Voiding Pressure Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 377.2±136.8 364.2±160.2 0.531 Qmax 5.8±6.1 10.0±6.9 0.000 * Voiding pressure 69.2±53.8 50.5±41.7 0.000* PVR 271.5±166.9 116.8±141.7 N= 50
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Sphincter Activity Excellent Improved Failure Sphincter Hyperactivity (n=68) 22 (32.4%) 36 (52.9%) 10 (14.7%) Sphincter Hypoactivity (n=35) 18 (51.4%) 11 (31.4%) 6 (17.1%) Chi-square test, p= 0.103
Relationship of Therapeutic Results and Sphincter Activity
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Sphincter Hyperactivity Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 268.7±130.0 271.7±139.3 0.889 Qmax 9.0±6.7 11.1±7.3 0.070 Voiding pressure 44.4±23.9 29.9±13.7 0.000* PVR 154.6±128.4 71.8±101.0 0.002* N= 43
Changes in Urodynamic Parameters in Patients with Sphincter Hypoactivity Baseline Post-Botox P value Capacity 406.9±132.2 410.1±156.5 0.908 Qmax 4.5±5.3 8.7±5.4 0.004* Voiding pressure 88.8±56.4 64.4±45.7 0.000* PVR 329.9±162.2 158.2±162.7 N=31
Relationship of Therapeutic Results with Age and Sex Excellent Improved Failure Male (n=48) 14 24 10 Female (n=55) 26 22 7 P=0.153 Age < 50 years (n=39) 18 11 Age > 50 years (n=64) 30 28 6 P=0.018 *
Relationship of Therapeutic Results with Age and Sex
Presumptive Causes for Patients Failed Urethral Botox Treatment NOCE Sex Age Disease Dose Reason 1 M 62 PRES 100 Psychogenic 2 F 31 3 30 4 59 50 5 DESD Low detrusor contractility 6 43 7 39 Sphincter Hyperactivity 8 33 Bladder outlet obstruction* 9 26 10 53 11 14 CE 12 36 13 80 DF 64 DA Bladder neck obstruction* 15 48 Bladder neck obstruction 16 Sphincter Hypertonicity * Voiding is smooth after transurethral incision of bladder neck
Bladder Neck Dysfunction Resulting in Failure Botox Treatment in Detrusor Areflexia
Reduction of MUCP after Urethral Botox in Detrusor Areflexia due to Hysterectomy
DESD and Bladder neck dysfunction after TUI-BN
Return of Detrusor Contractility after Botulinum A toxin injection In 7 patients, return of detrusor contractility was noted at 1- 2 months after botulinum A toxin injection Frequency, urgency or urge incontinence developed in 6 patients with detrusor underactivity Rhythmic detrusor contractions developed in one SCI patients with DESD and dysuria
Recovery of detrusor contractility in detrusor underactivity
Rhythmic detrusor contractions in SCI with DESD after Botox
Adverse Effects of Botulinum A Toxin No urinary tract infection developed One 15 y/o girl had high fever lasting for 2 weeks after injection (failed case with reduced MUCP & leak pressure) Six women had mild incontinence during sleep (2 DV, 4 DA)
Conclusions Botulinum A toxin in 50-100 units is effective in reducing urethral resistance and facilitate voiding efficiency in 84.5% of patients with voiding dysfunction and 82.9% of detrusor underactivity Patients with chronic retention may have a chance to urinate by abdominal straining after botulinum A toxin injection Good quality of life without catheter was achieved after botulinum A toxin therapy
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